Jacob Morres

Is there truth to astrology?

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Yes. True astrology. Not so much daily horoscope type material. 

"You Create Magic" 

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1 hour ago, itachi uchiha said:

A real Astroleger predicted my future with a 100% accuracy

seems outlandish

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28 minutes ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

True astrology.

seems crazy to group personality traits by date of birth.

MBTI is soo much better than astrology for personality typology

what do you think? @Flowerfaeiry

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Yes, there’s truth, but there’s lots of room for interpretation and projection, you actually have to understand what astrology is first.

Its understanding the macro-microcosm as above so below, as within so without correspondence of the our solar system and cosmos to ourselves.

The archetypal and energetic consciousness of the planets, which are the closest things to individual “Gods” besides Stars, and how they relate and correspond to life on earth, event to our psyche.


Astrology is a system and tool of divination to better explore and understand ourselves on a deeper level. Many different models and systems to astrology, many different perspectives from different people, some more truthful than others, up to you to find out.


it’s not something to take dogmatically, it’s not set in stone, and most personality horoscopes online are bullshit and extremely limited as you are not just one zodiac sign, but a whole chart, planetary placements elements, and screenshot of the solar system and universe at the time of your conception, birth, to now and future.

You are whole universe, and you are not separate from the rest of the universe, you are not separate from the planets and stars just as you are not separate from the rest of humanity and earth.


If the astrology model is weak, you are only looking at weak astrologers, and have weak understanding of astrology.

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2 hours ago, Yali said:

seems crazy to group personality traits by date of birth.

MBTI is soo much better than astrology for personality typology

what do you think? @Flowerfaeiry

MBTI has its merit, but shows only your outward persona you answer on a test, that you are aware of, which is most likely fake.

Astrology if studied deeply, or actually understood, can reveal much more, especially things you wouldn’t dare admit or know about yourself,  and won’t say exactly who you are as much as MBTI, there’s much more room for interpretation.


Plus atrology has been studied and practiced for thousands of years, with elemental, planetary, and archetypal symbolism that’s deep within the subconscious and unconscious programming of humanity, which can uncover so much.

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@Ascent X I have begun to research astrology recently but I am still very confused. I am open to the model being "true" but also do not care about perceiving it on that level. People talk about "real" astrology often as to differentiate it from the bullshit, but what is "real" astrology? Just the position of the planets without the extra interpretations?

How does one come to the interpretations in the first place?

The most recent experience I've had is that the transit full moon from a couple of days ago was in opposition to my natal Venus. The elaboration of the aspect on Astro-seek was "Obstacles in social relationships can be expected (for example, you want to go out with a friend, but he will call the meeting off at the last minute)" . That day, on two separate occasions, the people I was supposed to meet ditched the plans.


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Astrology is way older than modern rationality, or science.

If you want to understand it rationally or scientifically you will fail, no wonder. Can't eat soup with a fork. It works with abstractions that are yet to become specific in mysterious ways, hence its "results" are not measurable, nor is its goal to be specific. We are used to think that things are specific and than we abstract to go deeper. It can work the other way around, this is what astrology is doing to certain degree.

In order to work with it you need to renounce/suspend rationality (at least for the time being) and think in terms of energy, different tones of life-force energy, ways life expresses itself, trough people, situations, energy that is imprinted onto anything on its "birth" (natal charts )and how it interacts with the real-time energy climate. It takes a post-rationalist to work with it effectively, though pre rational people can work with it alright, but not as good. Logic and rationality are usually the biggest stumbling blocks, or walls should I say.

In a psychedelic way you can say that it is studying the rig that moves the matrix in patterned, predictable ways,  but yet it allows for free will to work with these energies and make its choices and turn them into something specific. Its not about the form of the sculpture, you are here to sculpt that, but its more about the clay type.

Or you can say its studying of the chakra system of the next holon and how it affects the lower holons in the "as above, so bellow" sense.

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8 hours ago, Kshantivadin said:

@Ascent X I have begun to research astrology recently but I am still very confused. I am open to the model being "true" but also do not care about perceiving it on that level. People talk about "real" astrology often as to differentiate it from the bullshit, but what is "real" astrology? Just the position of the planets without the extra interpretations?

How does one come to the interpretations in the first place?

The most recent experience I've had is that the transit full moon from a couple of days ago was in opposition to my natal Venus. The elaboration of the aspect on Astro-seek was "Obstacles in social relationships can be expected (for example, you want to go out with a friend, but he will call the meeting off at the last minute)" . That day, on two separate occasions, the people I was supposed to meet ditched the plans.


The model isn’t “true”, there’s truth to it, and you have to discover it yourself.


Sevan Bomar has really good insights and understanding to how astrology actually works, along with lots of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge and understanding, but just an astrologer. 

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i'm such a capricorn, pisces, scorpio B|

lol don't know if i believe there's really truth to it or not

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7 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

lol don't know if i believe there's really truth to it or not

i dont think anyone knows

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There's the Relative age effect - Wikipedia

The older you are in your cohort growing up the more likely you are to have academic or athletic success.

There's a reason Capricorns are generally success oriented. 

God and I worked things out

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I've never really taken to it but I do like @Ascent X s explanation of it so I'm open to it. But here's my thing, there are so many variables and so many factors that can affect one's life, where you grow up, your parents, your school, your brain type, what media you consume, friends and peers you have, there's literally so much variation so how could it be the same as someone born at the same time as you? 

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On 10/22/2021 at 4:04 AM, itachi uchiha said:

A real Astroleger predicted my future with a 100% accuracy

really how is that works? what information do you give him.

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On 22.10.2021 at 5:53 AM, Yali said:

seems crazy to group personality traits by date of birth.

Are there not seasonal regularities? You have phenomenas like seasonal depression, suicide rates rising in the spring, different activities based on the season etc. Things like light intensity, air temperature and daytime length are huge determining factors for behavior with complex effects down the line. @Staples' point is related to that.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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If one believes that our bodies are completely self-sustaining, our world is completely self-sustaining, in a self sustaining galaxy, in a self-sustaining cosmos where light is the source of energy to all matter, astrology can easily be rationally understood. Which direction do the plants move? Toward the light. The body came into the light at a very specific time. It would make sense that the all the light in the cosmos arrived at your precise location at birth and continues to arrive at your precise location at all times. If you are predetermined to be a certain way, it would make sense for that way to correspond directly to that which supplies your inner energy — all of the light in the cosmos as it converges to create your exact moment and everything within it.


This being said, putting trust in astrology takes trust out of ourselves to an extent. Astrology is like trying to understand the taste of what we’re drinking by focusing on the origin and the future of the cup that holds the liquid. Sure, the cup is integral to the drink, and yes, by way of co-dependent origination DOES include the information we want, but the drink and the flavor is happening right at this moment, and contains 100% of the information within itself. Astrology relies on time, of the extrapolation of the data from the past into the future. This can potentially help one to prepare for what’s coming “next”, but it’s still trying to understand one part with another part of the cosmos...you can’t fully understand a part with a part, for a part contains only some of the information. If we can recognize that the present moment actually contains 100% of the exact information needed, we can find peace in the present by way of being rather than seeking partial understanding from elsewhere.

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On 23.10.2021 at 6:17 AM, Yali said:

i dont think anyone knows

i think some people clearly know that it's bs

while others clearly know that it's true

i'm on the fence though

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