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Guide to Using Contemplation for Enlightenment Realizations

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Guide to Contemplation for Enlightenment Realizations in the 21st Century

Why do I want realizations? 
Realizations change your core insight on the most important parts of “Present Moment Experience” as it occurs for you. This is done in a way that is deep enough to lock a certain level of permanent insight into you which you won’t really fall below unless we are looking at brain injury or serious survival conditions. This more or less permanent level of insight can help you to see some rather radical shifts in your baseline consciousness. Your natural potential for awakening and other abilities is linked pretty closely to the amount of insight you always have access to. 

The core of the guide is rather simple. 

It is best to start with a strong basis of nondual teachings. Next, you’ll want to meditate, use a light dose of a psychedelic (I prefer THC personally - the goal is not to have some giant trip unless you get there with your own contemplative skills), or do some other similar activity to generate a “fluidity in consciousness” before starting contemplation. If your method isn’t changing your consciousness enough, the chance you’ll have a deep realization decreases. If you have too deep of a meditative or psychedelic experience before you really get going, you probably won’t have what I personally view as a realization. You want to be in that middle spot between a tripping-level experience and normal. 

You can try contemplating aloud. This helps me get into “no mind” states easier which can be helpful. I had one of my most effective and important realizations this way. You can still get the main benefits of no mind if you’re the contemplation quietly in your head, so don’t worry much if you can’t try speaking aloud. 

The other parts of the video are focused on how contemplation has triggered two of my best realizations and how that transformed everything pretty much for me. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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