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Is Biden's tanking approval rating a serious problem for the US?

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Biden's approval ratings have considerably dropped down to being below 45% in the vast majority of the polls out there. According both the FiveThirtyEight and RCP polling averages he currently has an overall lower approval rating at this point in his term than all but two presidents, including Ford and Trump, since 1945. Political commentators including Smerconish and Chris Cuomo have been saying that this is becoming very concerning for the country because they believe that this could very well lead to not only the Democrats getting annihilated in the 2022 midterms, but also could lead to Trump becoming re-elected in 2024:

What do you guys think?

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The news hypes the job of the president so much but presidents are used as either cheerleaders or assholes.  The real machine is the economic system that is controlled by a handful of people and organizations.  Noam Chomsky goes deep on the economics 

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I hope you guys are right because we can't let Trump become president again or a Trump clone like DeSantis become our next president.

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Americans are never satisfied, even with having high functioning democratic political system. Quite a shame.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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2 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said: least he aint Trump.

Americans are never satisfied, even with having high functioning democratic political system. Quite a shame.

Right, but my worry is that Trump or someone like him may win the 2024 presidential election.

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4 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Right, but my worry is that Trump or someone like him may win the 2024 presidential election.

I don't see that happening. There will be a lot of revealing stuff come out about the Jan 6. Insurrection that will seal Trump and the Alt-Rights legacy.

Most of America recognizes the dangers of having an incompetent Tyrant as president after the first try.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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On 10/26/2021 at 7:47 PM, Terell Kirby said:

I don't see that happening. There will be a lot of revealing stuff come out about the Jan 6. Insurrection that will seal Trump and the Alt-Rights legacy.

Most of America recognizes the dangers of having an incompetent Tyrant as president after the first try.

The structure of the Electoral College and Senate are arranged in a way to allow a minority of the country, namely rural white voters, to have an outsized influence on the political landscape.

No doubt that whatever crypto-fascist clown the GOP runs in '24 will lose the popular Vote, but the system is rigged in a way where a candidate can lose by several million votes and still get sworn in to office.

It's telling that Republicans have only managed to win the popular Vote one time in the past six presidential elections, yet were handed victory a total of three times.

It's even worse for the Senate. Someone living in Wyoming has something like fifteen times the amount of Senatorial representation of someone living in California, because each state has two Senators representing them, regardless of population.

The reason that Dems tend to lose isn't purely due to their own incompetence (though I won't deny this is a factor), but because they have a number of structural obstacles in their path. Obstacles that are hard to remove because they're baked in to the Institutions, and are fiercely defended by a minority who wouldn't be able to win elections without these undemocratic anachronisms.

That's not to let the Democratic Party off the hook, as four decades of stagnating living standards from neoliberal austerity politics have created social conditions ripe for demagogues to benefit from widespread feelings of anger and disillusionment.

And of course all of this is in addition to widespread and targeted efforts of Voting Suppression, and a large and well oiled propaganda machine with the express purpose of distracting and misinforming the public.



Edited by DocWatts

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Those who voted for Biden in a way voted for Trump in 2024 because they helped put Biden under the microscope for the next 4 years. America was too indecisive about who should be president, it was about time Trump took a back seat from all the harassment so that the new guy can be the one to face it instead. When 2024 hits, Trump will more than likely waltz his way into the White House thanks to our Biden voters. We must not forget to treat our Biden voters with the utmost respect for the sacrifice they've made. It was all part of the process and America will be more sure than ever who it wants as president in 2024. Congrats to Virginia waking up last night and last but not least... LET'S GO BRANDON!


Edited by Nyseto

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American politics are weird


Bush -> continues what his father started, starts wars based on lies, 100 thousands or millions die, refugee crisis in the middle east and Europe

Obama-> "Yes we can" "Change" fake slogan, nothing really changed, the people got fed up, many voted for Trump

Dems turn against Bernie because there might have been actually some change there

who's next? Trump->mission "decoupling of China" starts they needed a hate-able guy in office to push this through and some other stuff

who's next? Old Joe

Who's next?  Keanu Reeves?

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