
What Are Your Thoughts On This Video?

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i feel for these guys. living in a small town can sometimes got boring as fuck. 

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34 minutes ago, Motus said:

Another magician then? (its the same evolved ministry)


i'm not saying i'm not open to these powers being real but it seems like jesus here failed to calm it down. real or not there were parts the seemed real and it looked really cool. 

it would be cool if someone could do insectokinesis and make a swarm of bees or butterflies fly in a certain way. 

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Funny how this fantastic power doesn't work that well in a still lake, or even a pot of water.  But yeah, he can move oceans about with the magnificent power of his mind.  Truth is, this guy is delusional - in reality, it's his girlfriend in the background doing all the hydrokinesis.

But hey, I do this kind of stuff all the time.  As I stand like a martial arts expert and wave my arms around, I can move my thoughts  in all directions, at will. Yep, Cognikinesis (tm). Not easy to make a video of my supernatural skills though.

Seriously... a perfect example of how the ego loves to take credit for stuff it has nothing to do with.  And as for the total failure of social intelligence some of you guys  display when critical thinking is suspended... O.o

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That should be a more obvious one ;D

I can tell you from my own experience that it is real.

But as Leo said, Enlightenment/Concioussness work should be your primary goal. The "paranormal stuff" are only a side-effect.

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Record twice, camera on tripod, over lay him fro second film onto first film of wind while friend watches replay of first film giving cues to act when.

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a strange looking guy tries to dance with the wind in the exact rhythm. look how many times he points to total wrong direction, If you are a naive and blind person you will not see this. Be openminded that this could be just fake. Be critical!


This is a shame for all the real paranormal phenomena occuring right now in this world

Edited by OBEler

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54 minutes ago, OBEler said:

a strange looking guy tries to dance with the wind in the exact rhythm. look how many times he points to total wrong direction, If you are a naive and blind person you will not see this. Be openminded that this could be just fake. Be critical!


This is a shame for all the real paranormal phenomena occuring right now in this world


Tell me, what is needed for you, to be convinced? For anyone here actually, when are you actually convinced, beside the fact of the video is real or not.

The reason I ask this, is, think about it... How much did it take for you to believe that we went to the moon? That evolution theory is a fact? That gravity is real, and that our earth is a sphere spinning in a vacuum at approximately an 1000 Kmh, with all the oceans and everything on it?

Was it not more then videos? A textbook maybe, someone with a title in front of his name telling you that it must be so (even when he himself never experienced it?

What did it take to let you belief that we landed on the moon? Surely I saw a movie about  Kingkong, and I must surely believe that he too is on a far distant island somewhere?

Ball earth, sure, what did it take to get you convinced? Pictures that also can be photoshopped? Surely I will show you some pic if necessary that will blow your mind, that just are found on the website of NASA, that truly show to be photoshopped. 

Again, how much does it take to convince someone... Thats the question.

Surely you didn't mean that, with being critical and being openminded. 

Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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Please, you are not the only one that uses such debunking techniques to disprove things, lets see how good others did that: 

(WARNING, this might disrupt belief systems you have, and cause havoc, please don't take it out on anyone).

How about this one? What do you guys think:


I have actually tested this, with making  panorama's on a clear day on a high point (I live close to the sea, and it did shake my belief system for real!)

Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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Tell me, what is needed for you, to be convinced?

I don't need to be convinced of a couple of punks when I see em. ;)

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Is this for real ?

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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This is very hard to believe, and my mind is screaming "Bullshit" like a mad man right now. All though I should be open to the concept, I have come across so many tricksters and people of disingenuous intentions, I have never seen anything paranormal, never have been convinced by horoscopes and mind readers, UFOs, bigfoots and lochness monsters, hypnotists, psychics of any types, and never EVER seen a really detailed, really examined video or a live demonstration of how these people do these sorts of things. So the problem, at least for me, is that the evidence AGAINST it weigh much more than the evidence FOR it. 

This is actually a great mindfulness tool because I am trying really hard to stay open-minded right now, so thank you for sharing it :D


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