Paulo Barbosa

5meo , Suffering And Ethics

25 posts in this topic

29 minutes ago, Paulo Barbosa said:

So, it means that all the those causes like poverty alleviation, animal suffering alleviation, etc. are not worth it? 

After great scientific discoveries why poverty exists at first place ? Humans have lower consciousness.

The Catholic idea is relief for the poor. The idea of the Buddha will be: there is no need for any poverty in the world. Poverty is man-created, and it is in our hands to destroy poverty.

 It exists because there are a few people who are greedy. A small section of society goes on accumulating, while the greater proportion of society remains poor. And man has lived for centuries under such unbalanced odds. This exploitation can be completely stopped by changing of the perspective. Poverty is a by-product of greed.

First, eradicate the greed of the rich. Make them more loving, compassionate, and sensitive to humanity at large. Greed is a cancer growing within them and it has to be treated. The treatment is meditation, emotional fulfillment. It’s their inferiority complex that wants to look powerful in the eyes of others.

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@Prabhaker So, if I understood correctly, you propose to first work on the suffering and ignorance of the haves so that they can be fulfilled and release resources to the have nots. I suppose you could do that through advocacy or something similar. And if they are still ignorant beat them in the head! (just kidding). Thank you!!!

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1 minute ago, Paulo Barbosa said:

So, if I understood correctly, you propose to first work on the suffering and ignorance of the haves so that they can be fulfilled and release resources to the have nots. I suppose you could do that through advocacy or something similar. And if they are still ignorant beat them in the head!

No, first you grow into a meditator , it will be the only contribution you can do to make this world a loving place, it will help in raising human consciousness. Poverty is not the only problem, there are thousand problems, solution is one, become more aware, more silent, more sane. 

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Ahhh! So what you are saying is because everyone is connected at a deeper level, if I raise my conscience it will raise human consciousness as a whole. Am I correct now?

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@Paulo Barbosa Yep ! And by raising other people's consciousness you will raise your own !

See, one of the things you need to understand is that there is much more to consciousness work than simply becoming enlightened. A LOT more ! Which means that raising your consciousness is much more important than just becoming enlightened.

The only reason everybody isn't running around living in congruence with the true nature of their own being is because they're unconscious to that. And that's a big problem (at least to me it is).

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