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Johnny Galt

Effective? Safe? NWO = Conspiracy Theory?

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Would the notion of a New Word Order, would this be considered a conspiracy theory? Considering the following video, it appears that some are very serious about this. Have a listen to them speak directly to this. 


I'm curious, how are we looking in regards to effective? and safe? What are you're thoughts on this video?


And Joe Rogan used a concoction of drugs, not just the horse juice, and so stop spreading fake news, Leo :P


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It's documented that the same group of companies run other companies... All you have to do is go on yahoo finance and look at who owns shares in all the top listed companies.  

How organized are they? We probably will never know

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Yes, the "NWO" is considered a conspiracy theory, especially in the context of these conspiratorial anti-vax narratives. 

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