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Guest Tobia

The Most Dangerous Lies

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A lot of energy is invested in discussing GOSSIP like what pill Joe Rogan took when he had covid.   As if that threatened society.

A network like CNN tells lies that are one million times worse than calling ivermectin a horse dewormer.

CNN lied to you about every war (millions died and middle east is destroyed)

CNN lied to you about nation building and "exporting democracy". They lied for 20 years about Afghanistan.

CNN lied to you about Bernie Sanders and universal healthcare (thousands die as a result)

CNN, after shaming people for not taking the vaccine, is happy to show you a mcdonalds ad and be sponsored by Pfizer

These lies caused millions of deaths, but somehow nobody cares because CNN is a fact checker


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Any chance I might have voted progressive has gone out the window, because they have turned into a party of cancel culture who want to silence the opposition and are quickly starting to resemble 1984 where they simply re-frame the narrative to what they want people to believe.  I will continue to do personal development and practice radical acceptance but not while participating here much because of the progressive bias. I'll side with classical liberals like Bill Maher but not people who want to cancel culture you for simply expressing an opinion. It's a dangerous way to think, to play dictator. Human nature cannot be trusted, no matter how good the intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Aaron Rodgers has even had a change of heart, criticizing cancel culture recently. The article above from the German magazine is a well written summary of what is wrong with the modern progressive movement, as is the above CNN snippet. Take your cancel culture and shove it. Checks and balances and freedom of speech are paramount to keep civilization healthy.  Laterz. :)

Edited by sholomar

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