
Help me understand this ! " look out to lose yourself "

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" it's not when you look in to find yourself but when you look out to lose yourself "

What does it mean ? what is he trying to say ?

"A Blind Person Describes What the World Looks Like" from this video -> https://youtu.be/6TEBHQ-qm7c?t=506


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The fact of looking anywhere but inside to find the solution to your problem.

The truth is there is nothing that can be done anywhere, since the problem is yourself. And the solution is the absence of yourself. So what could fill you enough out-there that will cause the absence of you? 

Edited by TripleFly

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Be of service to the universe.

Looking out means living a life of service to yourself and others.

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It is the same destination, arrived at through the inward or outward path. Whether looking inward or outward, if the seeing is clear, there is no difference. It is all boundaryless Consciousness.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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On 10/19/2021 at 3:59 AM, Nahm said:

What? What’s the rest of the sentence or writing?

A boy who can see was trying to explain what he can see with his words to a blind man. The blind man says to him…

“ I find that people often say it’s important to look inward. In order to find strength or meaning in life or whatever else people say. But I can only look inwards. And I found that it doesn’t get you very far !. The most enriching moment the most enriching experiences what keeps worth living I think are where you’re looking outward. At least metaphorically. For most of us almost all the time we are looking inward. At our self-thinking about what matters to us or because of us or with us at focal point. Concentrated on how we look how we act how important we are or aren’t. But if you really look inwards, there’s nothing there. Trust me, it’s all I see. ”

" We are out here." The blind man Points out & down with both hands, waving them small circles." In every little detail, of every little thing in every little moment – in immersing in to all unfathomable feature of simple & mundane, and in realizing viscerally, what it means that you can perceive at all. That is where, I think, life is."

You did in fact just help me right now Tylor saying to the boy, I’m not some sort of selfless sage. Any time I feel like I can help someone who can see perhaps see better. Selfishly that’s my way of seeing the world. I believe if there is any kind of spiritual Experience, or whatever you want to call it.

“ It’s not when you look in to find yourself. But when you look out to lose yourself. “


:S Question from me (pushon) : there's nothing inwards ? how can be there's nothing inwards !

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Sounds like he’s saying the ‘you’ of thoughts (“inside”) isn’t you at all as these thoughts are actually, literally nothing. Shifting attention from thought to perception, no longer focusing on / believing the thoughts about a you, what seemed to be perception or the perceived (seemed to be from believing thoughts), is actually you. 



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need more thought & research from my part.

i can now a little better now. thank u.

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It means working, day by day, to be less selfish.

Try it out and it will all make sense.

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