
Life Purpose - Daily - Personal Growth

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Going to use this as social accountability. 
Purpose: Honesty, Authenticity, Connection to LP

Daily: Mo-Fr: 8h work day report

  • 8h working on thesis
  • 30 min meditation 
  • 1h dating challenge (90 days)
  • 4-5 gym a week 
  • 10:30 bed max 
  • 06:05 wake up 

Weekly review: 

Going to post here mainly that I worked 8h a day. This is just important with the amount of procrastination and resistance that I have. 

Daily check-in to see I am doing what I am interested in doing. So, I don't have the neccessity to post longwinded posts as well as take this more seriously. As well as to keep and track my progress and be honest. This also sort of encapsulates the concepts of progress goals. Making this sort of meta about the concept of progress goals for motivation. 


Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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  • Worked for 1h41 min, 2h on thesis (Made odd progress) Stuff worked, yet makes it more complex.
  • Talked to coach for 2h 
  • Went to gym for 1h
  • (1h dating now )
  • Woke up late 09:30am approx


Short review from the audiobook principles that I listend to while in the gym. 
Get reviews and feedback from people who can see your weaknesses.
Practice radical open-mindedness which means listening first. (Seek first to understand then to be understood)
Agree to disagree.
Identifiy problems.
Identifiy solutions.
Do these steps one by one not all together.
Where is your weakness and how can you solve this root problem ? 
Pain is used as a reflection tool. Either immediately or after it has subsided.
Work on strength and identifiy strengths and weaknesses.
Design first before implementing.
People are wired differently understand that.
Be radically transparent be honest about your weaknesses.
Clear goals.
Be hyperrealistic, be a dreamer, "doer", realist 
Self-accountability -> results, honesty
Humility can create solutions. By asking the right people and being open-minded.
We can't achieve every goal ( I like this because this Brian Tracey stuff is not working out so much with weekly goals) I stopped after 1 or 2 weeks. To many goals.

What is my strength from the concepts the guy used in his book ? 

My strength is planning definitely and my weakness is execution of my plans. 
Another weakness of mine is apathy

Results from the short coaching session

The guy is not a legit/certified coach, he has experience as a gifted person and is also highly sensitive, I do not care so much about the concepts, as well as the concept of IQ. I am ,ore liberal and in favour of the multiple intelligences approach from Howard Gardner. Yet, I might get an advantage when applying for an uni etc. for masters if I truely want to do smth. scientific... I've let go from the concept of IQ a lot. The concept caused me more harm than good. It helps me currently to learn and deal with this human experience of mine and that most of the things I am doing is correct. He gave me the impetus to sit down in the morning and to dive into my emotions of apathy to sort of disentangle them.

Also, he said it's fine to procrastinate, this won't solve my root issue. He says he has the same issue and the topic was high sensitivity this time and he gave me the advice to sit with my emotions, we sort of both reflected ( he is certified gifted mensa member and yes it's not important lol for him too ! We just have almost an identical experience with stuff including psychedelics etc.) also to get into nature and I might do that more to relax. 

The audiobook gave me some motivation. Saw a hot girl in the gym who was not shy of holding eye contact with me for a tiny bit and we crossed roads a couple of times. Looked into SES a bit looks less complex than ROT.

Audiobook is good for keeping me on track and currently does not trigger this burn-out effect when I become to obsessive. 1h dating for now.

Any insights from retreat ? 

No, the issue with intellectualizing can be an issue when it comes to dealing with emotions. Had again the "realization" that when I would truely devot myself to becoming conscious it would be 1000000% more fullfilling than an ordinary life. 

Leo's blog

Notice this: the deeper you love, the more it kills you. Which is why you fear loving too deeply. Love kills the finite identity by replacing it with an ever-expanding, infinite identity. And if you could no longer identify yourself as any finite thing, you'd be dead. Hence Infinite Love = Death

This in a wicked way is beautiful Shinzen has the same "idea" approach love yourself to death somewhere in his script or descriptions similar to appreciating yourself and sense gates to death. 

Matched with a girl 92% match again she made me laugh internally from my heart wrote a long message. Dating course for now I'll apply principles as much as possible. 



Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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  • Worked for 3:21h according to my timer
  • Went to gym for 1h
  • (1h dating now )
  • Woke up late 09:30am approx
  • Made some pictures for my passport and id


Audiobook Principles refelection

Going to write a summary sort of a a generalized version of what I can recall. The author used the basal ganglia as a key factor as well as part of our brains to create habits and it is part of the lower self. I never heared the biological definition of higher and lower self. The higher self is the hippocampus which executive functions decision making, planning etc. Then there was this MBTi stuff about feeling, thinking etc. I knew a lot about this and contemplated about this and the issue with the model is that it is only cognitive sort it's an sort of orange model to me. The other models author mentioned were more blue / green depending which viewpoint one can take. Did not catch all of it.

Searching out people who have different opinions then yours and to talk with them open mindedly was one key principle the author mentioned. Eliminating habits and creating a routine the idea from another course with the basal ganglia explained for me a bit more deeply how immersion works from a biological perspective. That it truely just is an autopilot. This is also an issue with shadow work, shadow work with biology if you do not know how a part works you just don't know and it's in the shadow as these drives force you to do stuff. Also, the author mentioned Freud obviously in connection to drives. The lower drives IIRC still have a stronger impact so it's easier to use them consciously and to eliminate and automate bad habits etc. I stopped most of my bad habits quiet early when I started personal development. The issue with depression is a bit more complicated. Although working out and vitamin d as well as meditation and a "solid" nutrition is helpful. 

Otherwise there was no real content to reflect besides that pain can be a trigger / tool for contemplation and that was the most important habit the author himself developed. 


I've sent out a few messages, I do have an issue with making girls want to meet me after the first couple of messages I don't like it that I have to put in that much effort and there are some principles from the dating course that I am doing with the challenge that I can use. My inner game is odd it's on and off at times. The point is I am high in compassion and compassionate girls really like me, yet take the biggest idiot on the planet as a boyfriend and will regret it down the line. Doing the dating challenge now.

Content from yesterday. Be more interesting ! I do have the issue with my social profile that I could create the most elaborate and cool profile from the principles I've read for instance. Creating a nice little profile could be appropriate for online dating. I mainly used my insta for vacation pictures and travel pictures. Yet, all of these plans fell flat. 

More positive stuff, there is an opening to do this more. Also, from the course yesterday I am soon done and will then implement and report. The course is supposed to be done 3 times to do it appropriately. 

Princples for online dating:

  • Scan for crazies eliminate them
  • Best virtual online dating simulator there is on the planet
  • Be authentic as you are playful and funny
  • Gather experience with text 
  • Take picutres that are interesting and socializing
  • Constantly use contradiction / paradox
  • Treat her as your best friend
  • You are the price to be won
  • Figure out strengths and weaknesses
  • Create a profile that stands out, scan the competition be different and be "effective"
  • Don't only be different
  • WOWW - as a generalization
  • Be positive and don't write for instance lonelyguyfromTexas033
  • Pick only a few things to work on
  • Professional photos
  • Be interested in the person / women not body etc. 

For now what I intuit I could upgrade my translation from text to date. As well as being more sexual and calibrating I am usually quiet romantic in my fantasy, yet fantasy is not reality. Being hyperrealistic takes some basal ganglia training lol.
What is good is that the virtual dates are a good screen. 
Other issue might be the app I have to swipe 90% of the content almost. 




Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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A bit overdue for posting daily:

  • Almost finished the dating course today
  • Applied for a renewal of my passport and my  ID
  • Visited my psychologist
  • Did not study today at all


Short notes from day:

  • I don't value my time as much as I should do it 
  • All of these guys from the dating courses automated their lives for income
  • The courses basically have a lot of common sense that just needs to be applied and tested
  • The master and the beginner might sound similar, yet their level of experience gives them a different perspective
  • The goverment system is odd, somehow I am entried in their system as owning the american as well as the german citizen, although I never applied for the american one. Because of various reason. But hey talking about yellow laws, there seems to be no choice when it comes to laws about taxes etc. ? I can't trade for instance now on trade republic. I am not taking that risk with taxes and laws. 


Dating notes:

  • Most of this stuff is applied and refined
  • Make at least some copy paste message
  • Be of high value means get her on the phone instantly because you value your time. I am the one who is busy and qualifies her.
  • Touching back and forth game (kino aka cinema ?? ) Maybe it's a dinosaur
  • Empty profile ball bust her on how boring it must be to date her
  • Two women ! Copied my profile for some reason ?
  • It's a marathon people get sucked into the blackhole and are frustrated. It's normal that this happens
  • All of these guys spent at least 4-6h according to their self-statement online dating
  • Again the advice treat her like your best friend
  • Short dates are better to make her qualify for you, again you are the price to be won
  • Be original with all of this stuff
  • Nobody really talked about sex till now and what type of "sex" type the girl is to be a bit flirty and intimate, so that is an issue I saw overall
  • Don't spend to much time sending a message
  • When there is no attraction save yourself the time and move 
  • Even if you only have 15 minutes a day give it your best
  • Sunday 10-12 am is supposed to be the best time for phone calls / video meetings ( my idea) reason behind this friday and saturday she goes out and meets all of these "frustrated" men and on sunday she is at home relaxing wondering where a great guy might be
  • Less info create mystery
  • Have some art trick, the guy made a website with stickfigures
  • Competence = Confidence
  • No attraction ? Make her a friend for social circle and clubbing for instance or going to bars 
  • Only because it did not work once does not mean it does not work the next time
  • Meet her under the weekday, weekends is for family and friends 
  • 10% success rate is very good 1 in 10 girls replies.


Things I could do sort of create a meme arsenal and find a meme site that expresses your humour:

  • Send copy paste messages with gifs and links via PC
  • Be on the PC when she is online to C&C qualify her into an instant online meeting somehow


This is a 7$ tinder course from one of the guys where one dude stood up and said this guy is amazing with hot girls.

I'll buy this eventually. I am using okCupid for now. Most of the notes are "principle" based.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Posting early

  • Going to the gym
  • Received respone from one women
  • Will finish dating
  • Procrastinated whole day
  • Wrote a couple of messages to girls saw an awesome interesting women

Short reflection:

Was super insipired today  about business and finances just to learn about it and to plan and include multiple subjects it's so boring to do one thing for instance just programming in one language or just programming or just design etc. Yet, I find myself stuck in a rut doing this one thing for to long. Does not inspire me to take action. I thought about the times where I was the most consistent and they included cold showers in the morning and 1h meditation sessions. Somehow that gave me the mindset to just do stuff regardless if I have a craving for variety. Felt also for some reason very confident today texting girls and was more in a playful mood. 

I'll include some variety in my schedule and see if this works better for instance 4h thesis, 2h kotlin 1h break 4 thesis smth. like this. This stuff does unfortunately take a lot of time with a single thing. I miss some stuff. There are some downward spiral topics that interest me with Hanzi Freinacht and the apparent warfare with stage theory itself. 

I don't know I love this time of the year very introverted and people usually gather around OMG at the campfire. I am going to meditate only for 10-15 minutes today and go to the gym visit a friend with some alcohol and relax.

I am definitely going to take some courses on finances my Prof sent me an article where there is a free course for some basics. I already invested and made some money. Which is good. Going to invest in some media stuff, the stuff with my family really took a toll on me and I am slowly sort of creeping myself back into a more healthy super functional and active life.

Sometimes I forget that there are differences lol.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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