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Tyler Durden

Is there any difference between "true" and "false" memories?

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All of our memories are being imagined in the now but some of them are considered to be true and we think that they really happend in the past. But is there any difference between remembering our childhood or first kiss and winning a Nobel Prize or going to the Moon? Are they both equaly false? 

Edited by Tyler Durden

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The memories of what happens to your form identity are relatively true, compared to what doesn't happen to your form identity. Time and events exist, within the relative cosmos, but they are not ultimately real.

If I dreamed last night that I was flying, it is true that this was my dream. But was I actually flying?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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The difference is that your "real" memories have an internal consistency, accessibility, vividness, and emotional resonance which your fake memories will not.

As a human ego-mind you are not strong enough to will and weave new alternative memories into being. Memories are dreamt up at a much deeper layer of consciousness than your ego-mind's will.

So in practice this makes your memories feel very real. Of course they are still a dream from the awakened POV, but you ain't that conscious so you don't feel that usually.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

All of our memories are being imagined in the now but some of them are considered to be true and we think that they really happend in the past. But is there any difference between remembering our childhood or first kiss and winning a Nobel Prize or going to the Moon? Are they both equaly false? 

True means not false, false means not true. Unless you can’t read English. Then there is no memory of any meaning arising, nor a meaning of memory. Looplessness. 



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All memories have varying degrees of falseness, it's just that some are closer to the actual event. This is a relative statement. Ruminating on memories will probably steer it even further from what happened.

From the Absolute POV... well there's really nothing to say ahaha. It's all imagination like all phenomena, but you can't really do anything with that. 

Even though consensus reality is part of the dream it has its use. If you're looking for absolute truth getting lost in the phenomena of your experience will only make things worse. 

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