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How to become more masculine ?

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As I become more conscious, I'm feeling odd and I don't know how it will be like if I was authentic, I'm realizing how I see myself and what are my "weaknesses", my body language, my subtle fears when I walk in the city or look at a certain woman etc...

I've also realize that I'm acting a little bit feminine in my body language and that I'm not very sure of myself and I don't use my tone of voice with enough confidence. I know where I want to go but I don't know how, I have to change how I think, or I see reality/myself and I want to become a more masculine guy, more grounded and showing that I'm confident and I know what I want.

I think I became like this because my father wasn't very present and he was an alcohoolic, my mother was too protective and loving in a toxic way, always telling how bad I was, what I did wrong etc...

I  think it had a bad impact on my confidence level, even if I attract some girls and I know that some people are attracted by the "weak me", I don't want to be stuck with this personality, I want to improve and I want more options in life.
Since +- two months, I sometimes feels angry or hateful, it's like there is a big force in me that want to be bad, to break things or doing crazy things.

Do you have tips ? Were you in a similar place before ?

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What's wrong with feeling more feminine ? my personal advice to embrace this feeling

as for body language & tone. it's will change over time. to change that you need to be out there meeting with a lot of people & have experience with talking to many people. To fix this feelings you need to understand some things... and leo can explain these things exceptionally good

Watch leo's Developmental Psychology & Spiral Dynamics ->

It's more then 10 hours of content. if you are serious about fixing your self

start by watching this playlist as is.... don't skip.... take notes... use your brain ?

if you wanna talk we can here...

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I am in the same place, father alcoholic, mother is over protective...  Father left in my teens. Anyway...

The solution is to become more conscious. Since your consciousness is primal. It is first and foremost.

Your anger is your initiation, and you will find your power the more you are able to master your anger and use it to change yourself for the better of everyone instead of drowning in it and becoming more selfish as your anger desperately cries for. 

Anger is an energy waste. It is not efficient and hinders your ability to get what you need that makes you so angry. 

Since consciousness is alchemy too, find your teacher so you can go through the process of transmuting your anger into more consciousness. Then you will have more answer than you know what to do with. 

Edited by TripleFly

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