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What do you think about the idea of “asymmetry of power”?

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I have heard this idea, which comes from seeing that capitalism is hierarchical and that all power gets funneled and locked up. Now I don’t see how this perspective could stand, unless one ignored all the infrastructure, innovation, information and speed that gets generated by the guys up.

I see wealth as taking many forms basically for us is like seeds available for us to plant and cultivate, using all the infrastructure generated by the big guys. I have an online shop and I’m self-employed, I use Shopify, PayPal, Pinterest, Facebook, my suppliers, the shipping companies, the internet etc… this not even knowing one person face to face. I can’t even count even if I wanted to all the riches that the guys at the top have bestowed on me.

So unless one lives with a concept of wealth that requires for the guys at the top to give you cars and stacks of money by hand, I don’t understand within perspective. And it’s implies ignorance, and having ignorance but having the desire of what you’re ignorant about is pretty much like entitlement.

I don’t mean that you should take responsibility like a libertarian would say, I say asymmetry of power is very illusory and very relative. For me it doesn’t exist at all, I don’t feel limited in this regard, and I cannot see the limitations anywhere. You are limited by your ignorance, the inputs in your mind and your memory… 

Also look at how poor countries  are using the infrastructure to improve they’re lives. There’s many cases of explotation, yes of people outsourcing for pennies on the dollar. But also there’s people I know from Morocco, I’m a Moroccan that are making money online like me and some even have they’re YouTube channels in Arabic. They started with very little money like me, I started with 2k.

You all know very well that the rising countries are not going to take as much time to grow as the first ever countries did to become 1st world countries. That would be like saying that the flying car (hypothetically) is going to take as much years to reach 150mph as the car did since it was created.

So really there’s only a assymetry of power if you only conceive wealth in the final form, and not as created through tapping into knowledge, infrastructure, etc… Remember everything was much more difficult and long 100 or even 50 years ago.

Edited by AminB501

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