
What does enlightenment feel like?

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So you took 5meo-DMT in a country where it is legal? Or did you meditate to gain enlightenment?

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What color would you put enlightenment in? i personaly think purple suits it

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@Michiryoku I wouldn't say I gained it, it was a sneak peak

Through mushrooms/meditation actually 

Not a particular color, cause it hasn't much to do with categories. But the closed eyes visuals on shrooms are very purple dominant. Those high states do "feel" quite purpley, that is right. There is a reason why the crown chakra is purple 

Edited by Jakuchu

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Go in front of a mirror and look at yourself.
What you feel you are is the shape that looks like you in it.
Now look at your hands and touch your body and face, that's what you feel you are right now.

Enlightenment (well one side of it) is when the sense of identity shift to everything else in your experience.
What you feel is you is not just your body or your mind, but literally the wind, the sky, the floor, other beings, every sound you hear, etc.

Also you realize that you're controlling everything (not as an ego kind of way, it's different), when you got punched in the face, you punched yourself in the face, when you had sex with that beautiful girl, you had sex with yourself etc.

Yes you only experience yourself through this thing you call "whatever your name is", for now, but this thing is more like a camera inside an infinite mind (without a physical body to wake up to), and that mind is what various religions call God.

You're literally the only thing in existence, and when you become conscious of that you literally see/feel (actually senses are imagined by that mind, so it's beyond and prior to those) that everything is made up of one thing, you, and it's divine -> infinite love, freedom, creativity.

That's more like several degrees of awakening that I described, so you most likely won't experience all of those at the same time when you awaken the first time.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Like a blissful inner emptiness. Effortless inner silence. Perfectly content just being, not needing entertainment. Freedom.

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3 hours ago, Michiryoku said:

So you took 5meo-DMT in a country where it is legal? Or did you meditate to gain enlightenment?

It's not a gain. The awakenings on the apparent path can seem like gains though in the story. Self can only do something in the next moment, which never is -- the illusion can just apparently dissolve for no reason. It can seem like the path leads to enlightenment, but obviously nothing ever leads to all there is already. This only ever leads to that in the story of the person. There's nothing to find -- it's losing all beliefs and thoughts about who and what you are and what you own and know and think... Once nothing is left, nothing is lost; there's only everything, which is not-a-thing appearing to happen.

It's also an energetic openness and recognition that there's no one to become enlightened; that enlightenment never happens to me, because there isn't a me in the first place. There's only boundlessness appearing as anything, to no one; without meaning or goal/direction; without limit, boundary, or separation.

Edited by The0Self

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1 hour ago, Seraphim said:

Like a blissful inner emptiness. Effortless inner silence. Perfectly content just being, not needing entertainment. Freedom.

Couldn't describe it better. Like a tranquility in the backround. Also joyous energy flowing in the body that sometimes is overwhelming. Reading people like an open book. Seeing beauty everywhere. Psychologically invincible. Inability to not be compassionate. 

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I am not enlightened because I do not realize that I am god creating reality, but I have removed the sticky ego, or at least, deactivated its power. It feels like there are no more questions. like blissful fullness, like I've been lost in madness for a long time and have come home, like cleanliness, alertness, direct perception. like this is normal and the other was "special". total absence of fear, abandonment, Let go of the wheel, give up control. Beauty everywhere , It seems as if an enigma, a test, has been presented to me and I have solved it, and now unlimited open space opens

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16 hours ago, Jakuchu said:

No, when you are still nihilistic, that is the "honeymoon" phase. Enlightenment is twisted in that regard. It is horrendous in the beginning and then once you deeper it becomes heavenly. Nothing has a meaning means nihilism has no meaning, which means you are free. If you are still nihilistic, then you are not free. Enlightenment is freedom 

I hope that works out for you. Being free is not necessarily a good thing forever, and beauty, positivity, bliss, and heavenly experiences all have an ugly side inherently tied into them which you will not escape from for long. 

I still think it’s totally worth going for if it’s your thing, but I figured I’d mention some downsides. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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15 hours ago, Michiryoku said:



those are actually some pretty good images, especially the top one. From the light springs these infinite forms that are all made of and suspended in that one single substance. Or at least that was how the first one went. The deeper it gets the harder to describe it is.

It feels like your coming home to something; there's a deja vu that I had the first time like I was returning to a place I forgot was even there, all the time inside me. A sense of "integrating" all things together into a sense of wholeness and completeness. There's a real sense of resolution to it, like all things lead to this and begin from this. You and the world (as the world) feel complete and together forever. Pure love and eternal peace will result. Beyond this stem even deeper levels of nothingness but I can't talk about it. It's divine imaginations go on and on forever whilst its nothingness that is its essence has eternal depths that no distinction can ever touch. 

The image below captures the mood of it for me as well, very inspiring no doubt but obviously not the real thing. No where close.


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On 17.10.2021 at 8:47 AM, Ry4n said:

those are actually some pretty good images, especially the top one. From the light springs these infinite forms that are all made of and suspended in that one single substance. Or at least that was how the first one went. The deeper it gets the harder to describe it is.

It feels like your coming home to something; there's a deja vu that I had the first time like I was returning to a place I forgot was even there, all the time inside me. A sense of "integrating" all things together into a sense of wholeness and completeness. There's a real sense of resolution to it, like all things lead to this and begin from this. You and the world (as the world) feel complete and together forever. Pure love and eternal peace will result. Beyond this stem even deeper levels of nothingness but I can't talk about it. It's divine imaginations go on and on forever whilst its nothingness that is its essence has eternal depths that no distinction can ever touch. 

The image below captures the mood of it for me as well, very inspiring no doubt but obviously not the real thing. No where close.


Your picture is realy good, really explains what infinite feels like. Literally infinite always keeps going

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It's very similar to and NDE actually.

Except in this case, you get filled with light, then expand into Infinite consciousness and become the light itself. You become universal consciousness, omniscient, stretching into Infinity, with no beginning and no end.

I am more familiar with the Kundalini route, so that is what I can write about, but in terms of the Metaphysics there is union of Shiva and Shakti, which leads to non-duality and an explosion of light energy.

Orgasm is the closest thing to this experience in terms of the actual sensations, but this is a lot more intense and it is a constant state of being, an infinite state of Joy, Love, Happiness, Bliss, Pleasure, etc...

In Sanskrit, this state is often described as Sat-Chit-Ananda, which is a combination of Truth, Consciousness and Self, as these become Infinite as the person experiencing it becomes one with Brahman, the universal, boundless Self.

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On 15/10/2021 at 10:29 PM, Shin said:

No that's life as a dense ego xD 

xD xD 


I had a natural enlightenment a few years ago.

What I recall is being unity. I became infinite love and saw the perfection in the all. I had no more self-concept and I carried no more wounds. I was whole and was the whole. And all the suffering was illusory.

I also recall having no more will.  And no more fear.

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Also I would add that it feels like you are becoming existentially sober and going insane at the same time 

When you are on the "path" towards enlightenment, it feels like it is an event far in the future. But when it is actually happening, you are in disbelief. You are so not ready, but also realise you could never be ready for this 

The quality of the moment, of your being rises to unimaginable degrees. But what's meant by quality is hard to put into words

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