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Breaking free from the ego

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I think that our ego is kind of this shitpile we have gathered, so to speak. We have gathered enormous amounts of different garbage and glued it into ourselves, forming the ego. This ego makes us act in different ways to various situations, but the decision is not an expression of free will, it's just our shitpile - the ego - reacting to stuff in various ways. How to break free from years of programming? 

Edited by Someone here

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The way to break free is to realize it's a Chinese finger trap. The ego is the very thing that believes it can "escape" from itself. Rather than trying to smash or break away from the ego, we're trying to live with a functional ego that understands its own limitations. The answer, then, is to relax. Surrender. The more we struggle against anything, including ego consciousness, the stronger it will become. In fact, the egoic structure thrives on the notion that it can overcome anything, especially itself (the grand joke being that egoic thinking can never outwit... drum roll... egoic thinking). 

Since the egoic structure is nourished by opposition and clinging, it really is as simple as ceasing the process of trying to struggle against anything. The ego is not some malicious force, but rather a selfless process, much like a computer program. When conditions are right for the ego to drop away, it will. And when it does, you will see firsthand that the ego was never really there. It's an overlay on reality, but not an actual "thing." 

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Well...I know there are thoughts in my mind.

One thought says "ooooh thats sum good lookin cookie"

and then another thought says " has so many calories don't do it"

Then another thought says "just one!!! its no big deal" etc...

and then lets say I take the box of cookies and I throw them in the lake!!!!

I decided with my free will to throw that box of cookies in the lake. 

 But actually.. What happens is.... The thought that says - good cookie is in fact a result of previous experiences and substances in your brain that you have/had no control over.. That clashes with the thought that it has too many calories which you believe to be true from the bs you've gathered from medical and magazines area (no control over that either)... 

It's all programming..  

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14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I think that our ego is kind of this shitpile we have gathered, so to speak. We have gathered enormous amounts of different garbage and glued it into ourselves, forming the ego. This ego makes us act in different ways to various situations, but the decision is not an expression of free will, it's just our shitpile - the ego - reacting to stuff in various ways. How to break free from years of programming? 

Drop the idea that you "have programming", drop the idea that you "have an ego". Instead observe, what is there in reality? You can see the room around you and likely your body as well, but can you see your ego?

If you believe you have an ego you will act like you have an ego. Let go of the lie and the undesirable behaviors and thoughts will go away as well

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16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Well...I know there are thoughts in my mind.

One thought says "ooooh thats sum good lookin cookie"

and then another thought says " has so many calories don't do it"

Then another thought says "just one!!! its no big deal" etc...

and then lets say I take the box of cookies and I throw them in the lake!!!!

I decided with my free will to throw that box of cookies in the lake. 

 But actually.. What happens is.... The thought that says - good cookie is in fact a result of previous experiences and substances in your brain that you have/had no control over.. That clashes with the thought that it has too many calories which you believe to be true from the bs you've gathered from medical and magazines area (no control over that either)... 

It's all programming..  

The one who believes they have free will is the ego. If you can release the need to have duality between programming and free will, you will know true freedom. No one to choose, no one to suffer. Nobody to do anything :)

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step 1 understand what the ego is. the ego must understand what it is, understand its unreality and accept it.

Step 2 is to get rid of your ego for at least a moment, a few minutes, and after many times, every day if it's possible. This is achieved with intensive meditation, retreats, etc. and / or psychedelics. the moment you are nailed in the present moment you see that the whole ego movie is unreal. the ego will quickly return, since it leads a life creating the illusion that it is absolutely necessary, that without it there is vertigo and imbalance, deadly emptiness, madness. When you spend a few moments with the ego deactivated, it is clear that it is not necessary, that being is knowing. later, when the ego returns, there is step 3: untangle the ego. once it has been seen what it is and has lost almost all its venom, you can proceed to clarify it, solve each dark spot, eliminate all traces of trauma, of "it should have been different." if this is not done, the ego returns and returns, and even if you know that it is unreal it catches you again and again. at this point I am, with good daily evolution, occurs spontaneously after steps 1 and 2

I think that step 4 is to live without ego, or with a custom-built minimal ego. It is possible and it is the only way to live that is not stupid

Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, 4201 said:

Drop the idea that you "have programming", drop the idea that you "have an ego". Instead observe, what is there in reality? You can see the room around you and likely your body as well, but can you see your ego?

If you believe you have an ego you will act like you have an ego. Let go of the lie and the undesirable behaviors and thoughts will go away as well

The ego is the sense of being a separate self. 

It's basically your sense of self +your conditioning.  It can't be pointed at. 

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The ego is a reactionary machine. It reacts to happenings. The happenings are happening, but the ego will spin any narrative it wants to the happenings. It reacts, it judges, it claims, and it objects. Sometimes it agrees, even applauds. But it’s always ‘I’m here’ and ‘that’s there’. And it on auto pilot! Like you say it not an expression of free will, but it certainly feels that way. It feels that way because what it does is create that sense of being separate, therefore believing it is making choices of its own accord relative to something or someone else ‘over there’. But all’s it actually doing is reacting, chatting, and yapping shit within ones own mind. And the yapping it’s doing is behind what’s happening. It’s like something happens, then ego responds. It can feel like it’s ahead of the game, making choices before a happening. But in actual fact what you can see with heightened awareness is that there’s a happening, and ego is always one step behind, reacting. So it can never actually unite, with your true nature, because it’s always playing catch up. Therefore it’s only option is to fall away, and then you will just be. 
The ego is though an absolutely wonderful construction. It builds and builds upon itself through experiences, solidifying, creating its concepts and beliefs, hence you have your solidified believable, material reality. And your seemingly separate self. I experienced it unravel, and reconstruct itself, and being privy to that process, I’ve nothing but respect for the miracle that it is. Its powerful. And it’s ability to deceive is near on endless. But when it does collapse, it’s seen as what it is, an illusion. But a fantastic one at that. Life wouldn’t be worth living without it first being there to breakdown. And it’s such a brilliant construct that you can break it down, then it’ll come back, break it down again, then back it comes. Powerful. The aim of life is to break that thing down, and keep it broken down where it has no power at all to be able to reconstruct itself. Then you are awake. And that is job done

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17 hours ago, Someone here said:

The ego is the sense of being a separate self. 

It's basically your sense of self +your conditioning.  It can't be pointed at. 


Nobody breaks free, nobody arrives without a sense of self.

Its freedom for no one because there already isn't an individual.

Then it's just BOOM THIS without the stories of how or why.

Unknowable perfection.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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18 hours ago, Someone here said:

The ego is the sense of being a separate self. 

It's basically your sense of self +your conditioning.  It can't be pointed at. 

Being a separate self is content, thought. The sense is not of there being a separate self, the sense is precisely revealing of the discord of the belief. Perfectly revealing. As in, to the degree there are beliefs in being separate, there is the discord of said beliefs / thought activity. More thought activity therefore will not do, but relaxation, meditation, the letting go of said beliefs and thought activity, will do, yet of course, these are not ‘doings’. There indeed is the experience of conditioning, but there is no actual experience of your conditioning. That is the conditioning, that is the discordant belief. 

“It” can be pointed at btw. “It” is the thoughts: “the ego”, “your”, and “it”. There are no things there. There are only those thoughts ‘there’.  


Chinese finger trap. Priceless analogy! ? 



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23 hours ago, Someone here said:

I think that our ego is kind of this shitpile we have gathered, so to speak. We have gathered enormous amounts of different garbage and glued it into ourselves, forming the ego. This ego makes us act in different ways to various situations, but the decision is not an expression of free will, it's just our shitpile - the ego - reacting to stuff in various ways. How to break free from years of programming? 

I think you can create a pretty robust definition and application of the term ego...

On some level it's just your accumulated transference, memories habits etc

So, some things are negative, trivial or pathological/ neurotic or devilish

and other aspects are important for survival.

Others are positive.

Then Ego is just the false self, which you can't full get rid of...

You want to use the spiritual insights of no self imo, to develop a healthier, selfless, loving ego.

Ego is here to stay imo. Just, what quality of ego is it?

As long as you want to be a human, your ego will be here. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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23 hours ago, Someone here said:

How to break free from years of programming? 

Deconstruction of language is a good starting point.

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Also, you have more than one ego, so becoming aware of that and unifying them is important to avoid self deception, corruption, abuse, lying, confusion, bad habits, cheating, lack of self trust,  etc

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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ego is that which reacts before you do ... actions are the most obvious but thoughts and emotions just the same

contemplate: am i proud to have outsourced the fullness of life to a memory machine

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22 hours ago, Someone here said:

The ego is the sense of being a separate self. 

It's basically your sense of self +your conditioning.  It can't be pointed at.

Pointing to it can be attempted:

It's separation, ironically via the connection between things which aren't separate to be things in the first place.

The owner/ownership; location; witness; doer.


There's no self to become no-self. Self will never be not-self, as there is no self.

Edited by The0Self

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22 hours ago, Nahm said:


“It” can be pointed at btw. “It” is the thoughts: “the ego”, “your”, and “it”. There are no things there. There are only those thoughts ‘there’.  

The ego is more than just a thought. It's a state of consciousness. 

Thoughts come and go all the time.. Yet your sense of self is more stable and consistent than merely a passing thought. 

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@Someone here

Absolutely, no argument here, as your conjectured thought attachment has nothing to do with me. I recommend Oregon. It really is the hidden gem. Everybody thinks… California, or Hawaii. Both very beautiful, but I recommend Oregon. Specifically Eugene Oregon. Might sound crazy, but everyone is already enlightenment there. Not that I’m knockin the other states. I mean, Ohio’s nice. Kinda flat, but good people in that state. Stay clear of Texas though. Don’t mess with Texas. These states are separated and segregated with good intentions. You don’t wanna mess with their oil. Sorry, “our” oil. And stay out of Sedona Arizona. Nothin but whackos there. They don’t even believe there are states. Crazy people. 



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@Nahm Stop with the quasi trolling.

I mean you are a mod here.. You should act more maturely than this. Wtf lol 

Edited by Someone here

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