Someone here

Breaking free from the ego

43 posts in this topic

@Someone here

Much love for you man, all I’m sayin is don’t settle for the cover story of states, look under the hood of these states as many are. Really see what’s going on in them.  



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You are already free from years of programming. 

You choose to hold on. 

Why is that? 

Could be Indentity,  a sense of having to work on something. This makes us feel whole. 

Without that feeling what are you? 


Lost = found. 

How do you find yourself? 

Go through the door - it's right there. 

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It does sound easy, and it sure is effortless, but the misunderstanding of that “sense” is unsurpassable. Misinformation can actually be comforting for birds of a feather. 



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I agree with you, but I’m saying for as long as feeling is misinterpreted one is stuck. To say that there is a sense of a separate self as opposed to the thought of and discord therein is misinformation. This is just an opinion of course.  Misery loves company applies to all emotions. The whole lens of reality is skewed by that misinterpretation. Everything seen and heard is skewed by that misinterpretation. The left hand can’t see what the right hand is doing. The intention is to break free from the ego, while the behavior is the defense of the very opposite. Because of that misinterpretation. 



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Yes. In my opinion, misinterpretation and misinformation as you describe does not exist (this can be confusing for the individual and has negative connotations). 

I'm saying there is no right or wrong way. It is about recognising and seeing what is already there. 

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The ego is the stuff that keeps you trapped in your usual patterns. (I can't explain very well).

So just be aware, once you are aware, choose to do something different. 

And there will be times that your ego still win. Just be aware and forgive yourself and do something else.

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On 15/10/2021 at 2:47 PM, Someone here said:

It's basically your sense of self +your conditioning.  It can't be pointed at. 

How do you know? Where does this information come from?

If something couldn't be pointed at we couldn't be talking about it. Conciousness or the present moment cannot be pointed at but it doesn't come with any problem, idea or conditioning. This conditioning you are talking about is not something you see or hear through consciousness, it's something you literally are pointing at as a reason why you can't be happy right now.

In reality this is just an idea you have about your sense of self and isn't your sense of self itself. If you want to verify this you can simply focus on this sense of self and allow yourself to feel it. Notice how all of this talking really is a distraction from feeling.


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On 10/19/2021 at 7:50 AM, 4201 said:

If something couldn't be pointed at we couldn't be talking about it

What Will Be. ? We can talk about what will be! 

And…it… will



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No, the problem isn't ego. You still need your ego. The more advanced form of it though. If you ask what is the actual problem, it is not being able to disable it when required.

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@Someone here 

All that's happening here is the story that you gotta fix these years worth of conditioning. You can drop it all now I'm sure you won't I wouldn't either if I was in your shoes.

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(if you are familiar with Buddhist teaching) that there is no individual self for each human organism. There is no self inside of you which is in control of your life and can be 'judged' objectively for its deeds. 

The modern scientific understanding of the "self" is that its temporary and subject to time and change and death as the body is.. And the 'mind' or 'personality' is not an abstract spiritual essence that is separate from the body.. But it's a byproduct of the brain.. 

There is no 'self' separate from the body or inside the body.. But rather its an emergent phenomenon of the body..

The body and mind grow together and decay together.. And we can actually change your personality by playing with the chemicals in your brain... A little injection of chloroform can erase your thinking process completely and can turn 'you' into a psycho completely lost control.... That shows you that your self is a byproduct of chemicals in the brain.. 

And the personality dissolves once you get older enough.. As a result of the dissolve of the neural network in the brain.. You see? That' personality ' completely dissolves in elderly people because it was never a substantial thing onto itself. 

And there is another issue.. The personality is not just one.. But rather it's a stream of different personalities.. My personality when I was 10 yo is different from when I was 20 yo is different from 30 yo etc.. And each moment there is something that gets added into my "self" and something that gets removed..

And sometimes people have split personality disorder.. Which is a common mental illnesses.. A person can have two different personalities because of a certain damage in his brain.. Which might make him in some cases behave like a murderer and sometimes not.. You see how this doesn't make sense because it assumes this kinda static 'soul' or 'self' that lives inside the organism statically and permanently. There just is no such thing. 


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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

The modern scientific understanding of the "self" is that its temporary and subject to time and change and death as the body is.. And the 'mind' or 'personality' is not an abstract spiritual essence that is separate from the body.. But it's a byproduct of the brain.. 

   It is a ghost created by language and by the contrast of you with others. you exist, but the ego is less than the tip of the iceberg. it is nothing because it has no substance, it is made up of learned ideas. what happens is that you totally identify with those ideas, those dualities. all you think is duality, contrast of one idea with another. a huge imaginary house of cards. Trying to undo the castle is impossible, because you are using the self to undo the self. only meditation works (and psychedelic), which is not something mental but mechanical. Going beyond the ego has nothing mysterious and is done in a second, but it takes hours to reach the necessary frequency for this to happen. what you are is absolute, that is, not verifiable with something else. what is testable is thought. Thought will only lead to more thought. Thought is deception, by definition. Because thoughts are definitions, and the reality is undefined. You are not thinking about reality, it is reality forming thoughts.

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The ego and or sense of self are the same illusion. 

There isn't a pure unconditioned self underneath them.

Nobody Breaks free because there was nobody bound in the first place... it is an illusion of self.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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The ego both exists and doesn’t exist at the same time. Depending on the perspective. 

Don't get Lost in too much neo advaita platitudes.  The ego is more than just a thought. It's a 'sense' of self. 

Edited by Someone here

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On 10/21/2021 at 6:39 AM, Someone here said:

The ego both exists and doesn’t exist at the same time. Depending on the perspective. 

Don't get Lost in too much neo advaita platitudes.  The ego is more than just a thought. It's a 'sense' of self. 

Who would get lost? 

Ego/sense of self are completely unreal,  which is only recognized when there is no one. It has nothing to do with perspective. When it's clearly seen, there is no questioner or question left.

There are no correct or incorrect platitudes or believe systems. Who would deem them correct or incorrect?

There isn't a real separate 'you' over there with your beliefs and different 'me' over here with my beliefs. The apparent separation is an illusion of self.

Awakening reveals, there just never was a you or me or anyone else. Nobody wakes up.

There's just what seems to be's not right/wrong; good/bad; higher/lower.

It's THIS or exactly what seems to be happening. 

It's not somewhere else.





“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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the ego is a prison and although it seems to be made of thought, its pillars are attachment. There is usually a lot of work to do before these pillars give way, as they come from childhood and are solid energy patterns. psychedelics do one thing: they knock them down in a violent, traumatic way, for a few moments. this causes them to be revealed. when you see them, you understand them, you can proceed to demolish them. without this help you have to be some kind of genius to get something

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