
Unlimited information & information overload

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Curious thoughts on the amount of information on the internet. 

How much information is uploaded to YouTube daily. Plus other websites. Even this forum. 

Seems a bit wild how society has evolved over the years. 

People are dependent on the internet these days. If not addicted. 

Not too long ago it didn't exist. People would have to meet in person to talk about these ideas. 

The amount of information a human digests these days compared to 50 years ago is insane. 

It's insane to think how much information is uploaded daily. 

The implications of opening up the internet for humans. 

Once VR becomes more high tech people will be living in a different reality going to class in VR worlds. 

Not sure how to make of this. 

Having access to the vast amount of information on Google is just really bizarre to think about. How we can literally search anything in a split second. 

It's like Google is god and you can ask it anything and find answers. 

As if the internet is pandoras box or something. 


Especially now with smart phones giving us direct access to this much information is a bit mind boggling. 

We used to only have flip phones. Now everyone can't get off their phone for 10 seconds. Glued to their body. 

Some times I'd rather not have this much information but at the same time its awesome way to learn and know. 


I couldn't imagine going back in time to let people know that this exists. 

Imagine going to ancient philosophers back in the day to tell them about such a tool for access to unlimited information anywhere. 

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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Unlimited information and unlimited disinformation.

What's really mind-boggling is when you realize that Google has all the answers but virtually nobody uses it. Instead people search for stupid cat memes and penis enlargement pills.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah, that's pretty scary to think about. 

Depth vs shallow pools of information.. People like their kiddie pools and being self-deluded in them. Jumping from kiddie pool to kiddie pool without going deep on any real topic. 

I feel sorry for kids that are being born into this reality these days compared to 20 years ago. Not much guidance on information dieting... All you can eat buffet of information daily. 

Information pile only gets deeper & sharper with split testing. More and more addictive, cherry-picking information, & misperception there will be. 

Wonder how far the cherry picking will go. 

Internet needs an overhaul and a way to dump the junk & limit garbage information before the whole internet is saturated.

I'm being too idealistic. 


Edited by Ethan1

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Yeah, that's pretty scary to think about. 

Depth vs shallow pools of information.. People like their kiddie pools and being self-deluded in them. Jumping from kiddie pool to kiddie pool without going deep on any real topic. 

Information pile only gets deeper & sharper with split testing. More and more cherry-picking information & misperception there will be. 

Wonder how far the cherry picking will go. 

Internet needs an overhaul and a way to dump the junk & limit garbage information before the whole internet is saturated.

I'm being too idealistic.


Edited by Ethan1

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I absolutely love the amount of information there is now.

Of course, as Leo mentioned, there’s also quite a bit of disinformation - but, personally, this doesn’t really bother me.

There is so much non-controversial information out there, for instance, on exercise, diet, cognitive training, animals, nature, cool technology, etc. 

It outweighs the disinformation in my eyes.

Its just so damned useful.

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