
To What Degree Are Your Thoughts Effecting Reality?

Do you believe that thoughts alter reality?    38 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe that thoughts alter reality?

    • No, I do not believe that thoughts effect reality.
    • Yes, but it is a psychological phenomena, not metaphysical.
    • Yes, I believe that thoughts effect reality, and that it is a metaphysical principle.
    • Yes, but I have a different perspective (please share below)

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27 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Motus said:

To wrap what you wrote up: We are both the observer and the observed.



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Well as a young kid i could make it rain whenever i did a certain act that i was told if i did that it will rain by an elder. I believed the elder to the deepest part of my soul that the belief actually became a knowing after it worked multiple times. As i became older, i lost track in school, daily activities, society, media ect.. and learnt to doubt myself and lost this ability. I can still do it every now and then the closer i am to that pure state i was once as a child but in the so called "normal" state most people live in today it can take a very long time to alter your reality and manifest what you desire. The higher you vibe, the faster manifestation occurs. Why do you think when you are in dream, astral or higher realms you can manifest instantly?

We are constantly shifting in-between reality's billions of times per second, Your vibrational frequency can only attract whats on the same wave length.

This is why there are many stories and even videos of children spotting mystical creatures and things only mentioned in fairly-tales yet adults go hunting for decades and cant even find one bigfoot. Unless accidentally take a psychedelic mushroom >.<

 They vibe higher so they can see more. I suggest studying the Universal Laws, eventually it all becomes very simple as simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Edited by pluto


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Yogananda gave the best explanation I can think of. Thoughts have the potential to affect reality on a metaphysical level, but only a yogi who has really mastered his/her mind can do it with confidence.

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On 12/19/2016 at 0:06 AM, Leo Gura said:


It would not shock me for example, if I was able to bend a metal spoon with thought alone. I'm not saying I CAN, I'm saying it wouldn't surprise me if it was trainable at high degrees of consciousness (which I don't presently have). My paradigm of reality no longer prohibits such a possibility, because I've experienced things that are utterly impossible, beyond all human comprehension or scientific modeling.

Then you would win $1,000,000 in James Randi's Paranormal Challenge. But probably wouldn't have any use for it after you get locked up and experimented with in a lab days on end. Maybe not. 

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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@sgn One of the problems with paranormal abilities is that ego wants to dissect them with science and turn them into technology or power for profit. Ego wants to treat them egoically. But that's antithetical to how they work. Ego only wants to accept the paranormal on the ego's terms. And finally ego says, "Well, if it's not done on my terms, then it's bullshit. Cause my terms are the only true terms." This creates a catch-22.

The way past that is to loosen demands and expectations and to truly be curious and open to exploring totally new paradigms of reality, which you may not understand until years later.

The paranormal -- if it exists -- is a function of subtle intuition and consciousness, not logic. If it was easily quantized or modeled, then there would already be scientific agreement about it and it would be thought of as "normal" rather than paranormal.

Consider, what was considered paranormal 200 years ago, is now so normal kids take it for granted when they're born.


"X-rays will prove to be a hoax."     -- Lord Calvin (circa 1900)


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 19. 12. 2016 at 1:04 AM, Leo Gura said:

Have you been able to accomplish yourself?

If you have a practical technique for cultivating spoon-bending, I'm all ears.

Actually I have a friend who is apparently able to do spoon-bending and some healing. I have not experienced it myself though another friend of mine told me that she is able to push her with her thoughts and she showed her bended spoon and such.
The friend went on seminar in Czech Republic which is basically translated as something like: "Technique of quantum touch of matrix" or something like that. Here is the original Czech site:

And here is some english one, I am not sure if it is the same thing and it would definitely need some research, I have not studied it myself:

Here in the video the guy pushes some people (its in Czech again):


When it rains, it pours like hell.

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On ‎18‎-‎12‎-‎2016 at 3:00 PM, Exping said:

it could be metaphysical.

I know someone who had cancer and was just depressed. Having the doctor told her you only have 3 months left , she decided to go on vacation and spend her money and forget about everything. She had much fun and when she checked after 4 months there was no cancer anymore.

She had fun like she never gotten the diesease

To go on vacation and have fun is Always good if you are sick, but if you read the works of Dr Hulda Clark "Cure and prevention of all Cancers"

There could be a verry important and Lucky coinsidents besides the fun. In short she says all cancers start at the same organ that is the hypothalamus.

Due to our food these days we get chlorogenic acid in our bodies. This goes directly to the hypothalamus and does do much harm but some cells detouch themself from the hypothalamus because of it. They will floot around in the blood vessels and will not be attacked by whitebloodcells because its not seen as a tread. Now the hypothalamus is the organ which is the commander of body Household so to say. He orders and the pituitary executes.

Pituitary cells get loose because of phloridzin also comming in the blood steam. When they meet those cells will hookup. Than there must be a fluke present which is called fasciolopsis buski with four other bacteria. If they catch the 2 cells they use them to start a tumor because one of the bacteria can activated the cel of the hypothalumus and make him order to cells divide. Normaly cells will suicide if they are beyond repair. But the parisites prevent that they make him a slave he cant die and hes a hostage. Because the Buski is an anarobic fluke and needs protection from our defence systeem it creats a tumor there is practicly no blood flow. So no oxycen and no white bloodcells. Healty people have no problems cause chlorogenic acid and phloridzin will be attackt before it can do harm.

Now people with lower immune power cause mainly because of the water they drink. Water out of the tap in the US contains aluminum, chlorine bleach, pcb's, 20 different heavy metals, malonic acid, benzene, isopropyl alcohol, azo dyes, asbestos, oil, grease from the pomps. These can more or less paralize the immune system. Not everywhere in US it is this bad but the futher you live from the water cleaning plant the worse it gets. Even if you dont drink the water washing yourself and wareing clothes washed in it, rubbing all day against your skin. Is damageing enough. Plus if you have a lot of stess and unhappy it all adds to it.

So because she went on holliday she had a different water source and in good spirit the body is capable of healing a lot.

Well this is in a nutshell what she discovered, healing 5000 cancer patients with a 99% succes.

Verry interesting stuff in case you have a close one suffering from it.

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