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Thought Art

How to Accept the fragility of life?

21 posts in this topic

  On 10/18/2021 at 4:25 PM, LastThursday said:

Quick immediate thoughts:

1. Was the teacher given enough warning or training to handle this sort of situation? For example when you learn to drive you're told to keep to the speed limit or expect consequences.

2. Was the teacher suitably screened before entering the job?

3. It's possible your teacher had poor impulse control or lacked good judgement in certain areas.

4. Or maybe just a case of the right person in the wrong job.

We all make mistakes some worse than others, it's our ability to recover that's important, that's where the learning happens.

We certainly live in a more litigious age. I see this mostly as a consequence of society slowly moving into stage Green, and it's mostly correct: everyone deserves equality of opportunity and if a teacher wants to spoil that for a particular child, then they should be suitably punished. But when stage Orange sentiments get involved litigiousness is seen as an opportunity for a bunch of legal people to make yet more money and it can be applied too liberally. This can give the impression of not being given any slack to make mistakes, and fragility. The antidote is not to worry about it and allow yourself to make mistakes, just don't wilfully do wrong.


I think he is just being investigated actually. He has taught for many years, has kids, is a overall good guy well respected. I don't have any details other than that.

You know how so many people complain about not having a personal finance class in highschool? Well he went and created one for us and got it passed so he could teach it.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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