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Truth, perspectives and taking back your authority

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Just a quick message for truth seekers on this forum... 

You should take back your authority.  You are the main character in your life. You should not care why masters say God is love. I don't care what anyone says. Truth has to be mine. I can't borrow it from anyone else. Then it becomes a belief. Oh the bible said God is love and Leo also says God is love. Yes but who care?  I'm not personally conscious of love..  Then It's not True for me. 

These are just words. And one word can't describe all states and variations. Truth is endless. Stop tryig to put it in a box. You can't. 


As Leo said "the elephant is infinity" its every possible perspective and POV  that it can be looked at from. 


Six blind men came across a large elephant one day that was strolling through their village. Having never seen an elephant before. each of the six men placed their palms upon the elephant to help them experience what was in front of them.

The first man argued that the elephant felt like a large pillar. as he touched the elephants leg.

The second man argued that the elephant felt like a large tree... as he touched the elephants trunk.

The next man argued that the elephant felt like a long rope. ... as he touched the elephants tail.

The fourth man argued that the elephant felt like a huge wall. ... as he touched the belly of the elephant.

The other man argued that the elephant felt like a big fan... as he touched the ear of the elephant.

And the sixth man argued that the elephant felt like a long hard pipe... as he touched the tusk of the elephant.

Each of the blind men believed that they were right. All of them continued to argue among themselves as each thought they knew what was in front of them. Until one man. who was watching the group from afar... called out to the blind men. “The elephant is a large animal“.



This one story has many layers of meaning to it!

What you experience in life is a reflection of your own perception and perspective.

Your mind creates your reality in the sense that you do not always see things as ‘they’ are. You instead see things as ‘You’ are.

Your perception of what’s in front of you is determined by the information already within your head. Your ideas... beliefs.. concepts... knowledge and thoughts all influence what you see in front of you... and how you experience it. How you interpret and understand something.. or someone.. depends upon the thoughts and beliefs you have accepted to be true. This is true whether we’re talking about a person.. a thing.. spirituality.. God.. or of course a religion.

In the exact same e way the blind men all felt they were touching something different.. yet they were all touching the same thing.. different cultures and religions see the meaning of this story differently.

The same can be said of how the worlds religions see God. All of the worlds major religions believe in.. and worship.. the same thing. . However none of these religions agree upon the fine details of what God means.

Each has different customs.. different practices.. different dogmas and different beliefs. Yet all the people of these religions are experiencing the same thing.. God. while arguing and dividing themselves from one another due to a difference of perception.

There are many pathways that lead up a mountain. And every traveler on those many different paths see the same mountain from a different perspective. While each path looks different to them... they are all looking at the same mountain.

This is true from a religious perspective. There are many roots to God and Enlightenment. If humanity took an inclusive approach to life.. rather than a divisive approach... we would all have a fuller picture as to how to get there quicker 





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my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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