
Having trouble stilling the body? Try this

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So I discovered something while experimenting with breath and the physical heart. This technique seems to still the body really really well in under 10 mins if not 5. I am sure this is already a well known technique, but I am just discovering it for myself here.

Alright so, first of all, where do you identify with? Usually it's the head. That's why it feels like the chest is down there. What I want you to do is identify with the heart, the physical one. Once you do this, you'll literally feel like YOU ARE some warm, gushy area with some sort of vibratory rythm. It'll feel like you are back in your mother's womb. You'll feel like you are inside the chest and that the physical heart is the center. Your head will feel like it's somewhere up there, etc.

Now after you have shifted where you identify with, it should be 10 times easier to still the mind. So drop as much activity in the mind as you can and still it. 

Now focus on your breath, with each passing breath, go slower and slower and slower. Reach a point where you are taking around 1 breath every 30 seconds or more. While doing this, slow down your physical heart. You'll intuitively understand how to do this if you have correctly become your heart. 

At some point, it'll feel like the body has become so still that it is paralyzed and can't move or speak. So I have a feeling this could be pretty dangerous too considering we are tampering with the physical heart here. 

It's amazing what lot you can do with your body by just becoming the area you want to experiment with. Most people are stuck in their heads their whole life, literally! 

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Pratyaharta. The drawing inwards of the sense. The 'Who Am I' inquiry. The Heart. Surrender. 

Yup I have been playing with this recently too haha! 

Try to 'do' all spiritual work from this space it's WONDERFULL!

It's wonderland. 

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