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The bias of speciesism

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One of the most blatant and violent biases we are indoctrinated into is speciesism. We say we care about and love «animals», and we mean it, but our behavior shows us something different: it show us caring about and loving «what we can take out of them», disregarding their life, bodily integrity and freedom. Speciesism is a set of prejudices, a belief system, a group of dogmas, that assist us into maintaining the illusion that «animals which are not from the human species are worthless and useless, unless we humans think of them as pricey and useful».

Speciesism is a big one. That's why it needs a lot of self-deception to pass inadverted. But speciesism is so blatant... Animal slavery, animal exploitation and the animal holocaust are just in front of our eyes. We have been just trained to dismiss it as normal. Check your radar. Some people advocate that animals ought to be defended by rights, just as us, human animals. Do animals deserve the right to vote? We might get a better set of politicians...

By Animal Rights we are referring only to one right: the right, for any «individual», regardless of species, to not be the property of another, to not be enslaved. That simple. It not only suits humans, but any sentient being. Any sentient beings deserves to be protected from the excessive freedom of other individuals. With our power, we engaged into commodifying sentient beings.

With our power, we engaged into commodifying sentient beings. With our power, we can stop engaging in these behaviors. With our power, we can restore the condition of other animals from an «object with life» to a «subject of a life». Vegans don't use any individual as a resource or commodity for food, clothing, entertainment, work, or for any other human purpose. Vegans think that animals exist and are here for their own purposes. As you. As me. It happens that we were just told the opposite by those who we trusted the most.

Veganism is Animal Rights put into practice, set into action. Either we are vegan, or we remain nonvegan, mentally and physically engaging in the systematic enslavement and exploitation imposed on other individuals, for our own pleasure and convenience. There's no third choice for the one ?

Edited by AprendizZo
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Being vegan only means that one is consistent with the idea that «other animals also matter», instead of «disregarding and neglecting» them. But we have been conditioned to be speciesist. We have been conditioned to be «the POWER» (abuser), and all other animals are «The POPULACE» (the enablers). But animals are really vulnerable, they are like very young children, forgotten in the middle of our exploitative system: animal slavery in a nutshell.

We can empower ourselves over our speciesist minds. Being vegan means one acknowledges and honors the individuality of those sentient beings who happen to be from a species different than ours. Who said they were less than us? One of us? Oh, what a surprise. When it comes to valuing our very own life, each one of us in its very own way, all individuals are equal.

No two sentient beings are identical, or copies from the same mold. Each sentient being has a biology and a biography ?



Keywords: law of one ra channeling oneness narcissism victim abuser mentality mask elites conspiracy woke

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