Tyler Durden

Universe inside my room

21 posts in this topic

Just now, I'm standing in my room filled with stuff and surrounded by walls, windows and door. That's all there is currently inside my visual field and in my direct experience. Is that all there is in existence at the moment? Is there nothing outside of it? Is my room the entire universe?

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From the relative sense you’re in right now, no. Go outside and look haha. 

From the Absolute realm there is no room, no you, no anything. Don’t even try to imagine what that’s like because that won’t be it. Listening to the sound of silence for 1 minute would be better than a lifetime of fantasising.

check out Douglas Harding’s “The headless Way” if you want a proper peek. Exploring that combined with meditation as you let go of concepts will help. 

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@Someone here Can you explain in more detail?

@Ry4n I'm aware that my room is just consciousness taking certain form but I was wondering is that all there is in existence?

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3 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

Just now, I'm standing in my room filled with stuff and surrounded by walls, windows and door. That's all there is currently inside my visual field and in my direct experience. Is that all there is in existence at the moment? Is there nothing outside of it? Is my room the entire universe?

Yes, the only things that exists is what you experience right now.

Fortunately for you you can't just wish to know this, but if you realize it truly (not just accept it as a possibility), you'll freak out like a madman :D 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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on Sunday I did mushrooms and my room lost its meaning. some things were the same as others, everything opened and was unlimited, the entire reality was my infinite room executing a dance, like a flame

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@Tyler Durden all there is, is the entirety of experience. 

You are questioning if there's stuff that 'exists' independent of 'you', and to this, the answer is no.  (it's like asking, If I were dead, what would exist for me?) 

A things 'existence' and 'your experience of that thing' are the same thing... no separation.  

There is no 'you' and 'that which is not you'.. it's all you.  

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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The answer is  No, your current visual field is not the only thing that exists in the Universe. That would be known as solipsism, which is falsehood.

There are infinite universes, but YOU as GOD are experiencing those infinite universes simultaneously…including yours, mine, everyone on the forum, etc.

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@Shin Hope I'll manage to stay sane enough to gradually get that realisation. 

@Breakingthewall Interesting experience. Guess that is hard to achieve while being sober.

@Mason Riggle I considered my body to be a part of the room as well, made of the same substance.

@Terell Kirby I don't consider it solipsism, I'm not only thing that's real, I'm one with my entire visual field.

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33 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

I considered my body to be a part of the room as well, made of the same substance.

do you consider 'you' to be separate from 'your body'? 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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1 hour ago, Mason Riggle said:

do you consider 'you' to be separate from 'your body'? 

I used to identify it with my body but now I feel it all around me.

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@Tyler Durden is there an 'end' to what you feel you are?? If 'you' are 'all around you', what is 'outside of' that?

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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1 minute ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Tyler Durden is there an 'end' to what you feel you are?? If 'you' are 'all around you', what is 'outside of' that?

My entire visuali field. I'm not sure but I would call it nothingness.

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@Tyler Durden not just your visual field tho.. if you hear a car outside, or feel a breeze.. do you consider yourself those things? 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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6 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Tyler Durden not just your visual field tho.. if you hear a car outside, or feel a breeze.. do you consider yourself those things? 

They are all happening inside my awareness.

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@Tyler Durden is there anything else but 'whats happening inside your awareness'?  


Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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13 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Tyler Durden is there anything else but 'whats happening inside your awaress'?  


I think it's all there is. Everything else is a belief.

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12 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

Is that all there is in existence at the moment? Is there nothing outside of it? Is my room the entire universe?

@Tyler Durden In my experience, no. Be careful not to confuse your finite or ego awareness for the awareness of god. God's awareness is holding all that is. That includes all life, planets, galaxies, universes in all dimensions simultaneously. You contemplate many deep questions. Keep it up. It will lead to many profound insights and experiences. 

Edited by Matthew85

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9 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

Just now, I'm standing in my room filled with stuff and surrounded by walls, windows and door. That's all there is currently inside my visual field and in my direct experience. Is that all there is in existence at the moment? Is there nothing outside of it? Is my room the entire universe?

There are other senses, sound, taste, touch, smell. There are things that you are barely aware of, maybe traffic outside the room, maybe an aircraft flying in the sky, the moon, the smell of your neighbour's cooking, the rumble of your neighbour's washing machine spin cycle. Where's the boundary of your direct experience?

57% paranoid

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Has nothing to do with visual field. Completely blind people aren't relying on sight to be conscious. It's just the awareness of what is. It couldn't possibly be any other way. 

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