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Question About Different Types Of Meditations (are Their Really Superrior Techniques?)

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I'm aware that, their are lots of meditation practices, does it matter which one is practiced?

(please watch the video highlight first)

Is Shambhavi Mudra really that much better than your typical do nothing technique?


Do nothing technique : Is where we just be aware and see the thoughts come by, and neither interact with it nor block it but simply be present through our sitting.

I'm most comfortable with the do nothing technique or focusing on breath only until a thought arises which i just watch or hear, as i neither control/continue it nor block it.

Is Shambhavi Mudra a supposedly superior meditation technique or their all typically equal regardless of what's practiced ?

Edited by khalifa

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depends on what your aim and goal is, brother. 

different practices can have different effects, but they mostly all cross over in their benefits, for example increasing focus, health, concentration, etc. some specifically will create more insight into the mind, or some may be more effective at neutralizing emotions, etc

different practices are also suited to different temperaments. some people are suited to some practices more than others because of their energetic makeup.

best to experiment and see what works for you. then ideally stick to at least one of them


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@khalifa That's sorta like asking if chocolate is really better than vanilla? Different people have different meditation styles. Find the one that fits you.

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@Leo Gura

Would this count as a meditation or are we creating too much noise?


Step 1 :  Breath in and out at a fast rate until a tingling sensation occurs, Step 2 : we hold breath until we feel the need to breath again. Step 3:  Holding that breath for 10-20sec and then we exhale and repeat over from step 1.





Edited by khalifa

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Maybe here's a place for my question. Does anyone find an increase of moments of "bliss" while listening to music, and in connection with doing a bit of self enquiry work and only a small amount of meditation? I don't mean just a "high" you get from music where your hair stands on end, but a full blown summersaults in the mind and complete surrender? It's happening to me a fair bit. I've also had a expansion of awareness experience while doing some open eyed self enquiry?

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