Leo Gura


77 posts in this topic

Literally proud of being obstinate.

You see this in flat earthers and anti-vaxxers as well. The truth will literally kill them and so they hang on to their ignorance for dear life.

I actually met a flat earther at an ayahuasca retreat of all places. Very cool guy and completely understanding of how most of us feel about flat earth theory, but could not be convinced otherwise. 

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lol history will NOT be on your side. The facts are already against you. Look up the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.

Imagine trusting big pharma in 2021. 

Edited by GoobyBooby

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lol Ivermectin is a NOBEL PRIZE WINNING drug that has helped BILLIONS of people, literally.  

It obviously cuts into big pharmas profits. Why are you so pro big-pharma?


If the vaccines work, why aren't they working? 

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53 minutes ago, GoobyBooby said:

lol Ivermectin is a NOBEL PRIZE WINNING drug that has helped BILLIONS of people, literally. 

Imagine thinking some horse paste has helped billions of people. 

This is what happens when you defund the mental health institutions. 

53 minutes ago, GoobyBooby said:

It obviously cuts into big pharmas profits. Why are you so pro big-pharma?

Is that why producers of Ivermectin said not to buy it because there's no proof it works. 

Because they like less profits? 

53 minutes ago, GoobyBooby said:

If the vaccines work, why aren't they working? 

It's so sad that people like you have to go around screaming at trash cans and fighting walls. 

When we win you will get the help that you deserve. 

But until then try not to listen to those voices that tell you to be afraid of government. They are lying to you. 


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@Opo Dose this look safe and effective to you?


Health Advisory and Recovery Team


WHO data base for injuries: http://vigiaccess.org / Have a read, click the box at the bottom, and then on the next screen type in: Covid-19 Vaccine



Israeli Injuries: https://www.vaxtestimonies.org/en/

Pro Mountain Biker Kyle Warner discusses his injuries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aebtcTi7EaA


Here's some more, just a sliver of what's happening around the world. 





























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@GoobyBooby Ivermectin is produced by big pharma, you don't like big pharma, why not be skeptical about Ivermectin as well? 

I am just trying to understand the brain of a conspiracy theorist. 

@Opo There is ivermectin for animals and humans, it's just not effective when it comes to combatting the effects of COVID. 

@Johnny Galt That's what you call anecdotal evidence, I highly doubt you understand the ramifications of relying on anecdotal evidence. 

If you really wanted, you could find plenty of anecdotal, worthless evidence of water killing people, that doesn't mean you should stop drinking water. 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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4 minutes ago, Johnny Galt said:

@Harlen Kelly (edit) Are you suggesting that we disregard anecdotal evidence? 

What one should do is teach rigorous analytical and scientific thinking in school because the consequences of not doing so is having a not so intellectually adept society. 

Anecdotal evidence is worthless, meaningless and vacuous information, science is much more complex and systemic than that. 

2 minutes ago, Johnny Galt said:

@Harlen Kelly So are you one of those who claim to be pro-science and yet you respond like a child? 

As I said previously, you would not seriously debate a flat earther, some ideological positions simply deserve to be discarded and laughed at. 

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@Harlen Kelly

"What one should do is teach rigorous analytical and scientific thinking in school because the consequences of not doing so is having a not so intellectually adept society. " - This is a good idea and yet to completely dismiss anecdotal evidence, well, you might want to let the WHO, CDC, and other countries and organizations from around the world know this, as they tend to consider anecdotal evidence into the equation.


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I wonder what other Low IQ drug conservatives will shill next.  Hydroxychloroquine is ancient.  Horse Dewormer aka Ivermectin?  That's boring now.  Perhaps they'll move on to Methamphetamine or Krokodil next since their followers are already half-way there, brain wise. 

Don't worry, some redneck is digging in his barn's medicine cabinet looking for the next COVID-19 cure.  

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This is precisely why we vote. If you do not vote, you are essentially conceding power to MAGA ultra Conservative people. Ya know, the (Trump era) GOP is rather far right by European standards

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Mandating a vaccine to the "MUH FREEDOM" people is like throwing gasoline onto the fire thinking it was water. The people who may have gotten it before are now COMPLETELY against it for no other reason than the mandate. Get the vax but don't mandate it. Most countries would hit the sufficient targets without it. If you treat them like an adult they'll be more receptive. 

Coming from someone in Melbourne Australia the totalitarian capital of the world. It's not worth it.

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@AdroseAkise @hoodrow trillson 

Are we swinging at fantoms? our own impressions that arise in our own minds?

Swinging at the worlds biggest boogeyman,

Swinging at one's own imagination, 

Are we not fighting with ourself? 


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@Ry4n fuck me dude, I feel for you, I've been watching the footage and seeing the actual stats, for deaths, it's absurd, 1,400+ deaths over 18 months and a complete lock down. It blows my mind people aren't seeing the red flags with this. 

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1 minute ago, Johnny Galt said:

@Ry4n fuck me dude, I feel for you, I've been watching the footage and seeing the actual stats, for deaths, it's absurd, 1,400+ deaths over 18 months and a complete lock down. It blows my mind people aren't seeing the red flags with this. 

Yeah the government is completely corrupt now to the point that it feels irreversible; thankfully I won't be living in this shit hole in the future. But yes it's a complete mass psychosis but the pushback is growing. Until our premier is elected out of office, unvaccinated will be completely segregated from all of society totally. The Gov and Media are actively encouraging the discrimination of the unvaccinated. People are leaving their jobs not because they are unvaccinated but because their companies are complying to tyranny. 

The YT channel Academy of Ideas has some really good videos on totalitarianism that illustrate what's going on very well. Needless to say my psyche fucking needed that clarity. 


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