
Making you see God

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Let's forget our beliefs for a moment, especially the belief that "God can't be spoken". What I will do here is refer to your own direct experience to describe infinity, in this way, you can anchor infinity yourself, and see it in direct experience.

Forget what God is, forget what anyone told you, just for a moment; you open your mind for this thought experiment.


Thought Experiment:  Substance

You are conscious. Right? Let's agree on that.

You are conscious of "reality". Let's agree on that. Reality is here.

As whatever is "reality" it's made out of a substance. And you are conscious that there is a substance here. Let's agree on that.

If there is a substance, let's define substance. What is the substance that can take all of these shapes and forms?

"The substance of reality" can take on many forms. Sometimes it appears as a computer screen, or other humans, etc. It's even possible for us humans to construct/invent almost infinite amounts of the form (such as in sculpting), so what do you think would limit the substance from being any form?

Why would the substance be limited in any way of taking "particular forms" but "not other particular forms". What forms can't substance take, and why? How do we know? Can we agree that substance has unlimited potential in what forms it takes? 

The solution here is that we can't think up a form that doesn't exist because there would appear a thought of that form, and that would be a representation of that form's existence. When we think of an object that "can't exist" (therefore substance can't take all forms), it would be a lie. Because that object actually appears to be taking a form, as a representation, a thought. The solution is that we can't think up a form that doesn't exist, therefore, reality has no reason to be limited. For there is no mechanism that can limit it, other than illusions such as "thought representing 'something that doesn't exist' while not seeing that the representation exists in of itself". So let's agree that Substance is unlimited in it's potential to take on any form.

If Substance is unlimited, then substance will unify with its potential. Potential means "the possible forms that substance can take". But if substance has infinite potential of shaping itself into any form, then substance will inevitably be all these forms. Because nothing limits substance from achieving it's potential. Because if substance can take on any shape, that by definition means that substance is unlimited in it's freedom to do so, which means that it will eventually happen. Let's agree on that substance can take on any form, and is already doing so.

This is where time comes into the picture. Time is here for substance to experience itself. As substance already exists in it's infinite and unhindered potential, then substance will be just in the shape that reality is for you right now. In your reality there are a bunch of colors, sounds, feelings, sensory stimulation, time, thoughts, maybe more. This is because substance can take on any form, and is already doing so, therefore your experience must exist just as it is right now, as there is nothing hindering substance from existing just this way for you. And that included the experience of "time".

What time is, is just a thought in your experience. The concept of "Time" doesn't exist if you don't think about it, because concepts require thinking to be held within substance. So, what is time when you are not holding a concept about it? Well, it's movement. It's change.

Change is the way where substance can experience itself changing. For substance to take all forms (as it already does), it has to also experience every form, because every form that is possible must happen (as the substance of form is unlimited), and so the "experience" of "substance" "just like this" is possible, thus exists, and it's morphing, because substance is every possibility, and it can be limited to this experience, while also being everything all at once by maintaining limited but constant movement, where experience will morph to be everything. Let's agree that time is constant movement.

Constant movement of substance, is a feature of the substance's unlimitedness, because constant movement (without end) guarantees that substance takes all forms "eventually". But it also garantuees that substance will be experienced as what it is. Let's agree that substance limits itself with endless movement of limited frames, so that it can experience itself as limited. This completes unlimitedness, because if total freedom cannot limit itself, then it's truly not totally free.

Substance is by definition totally self-accepting. This is because substance cannot not be itself. Then it would not be substance. Substance must be itself, therefore, it's also self-accepting. 

Complete self-acceptance is inbued within every single one of substance's form. Yet with substance being unlimited in it's creative capacity, it can limit itself in it's unification with itself, but not totally. There will always be total self-accaptance within substance, yet it's potential to create, can create limited forms, that are inherently self-accepting, but may not appear as such. Substance does this by creating your sensory experience, with a lot of thoughts and beliefs, creating the illution of "being human", etc. All of this to limit itself, which is a feature of total freedom.

Substance is always in existence. For there to be a substance here, it means all of these things stated above. Substance must be this way per definition; unlimited, timeless, totally free, totally self-accepting.

Substance is immortal. Yet, substance can believe in death.

Death is merely a feature of movement. As one frame passes, another one replaces. The first frame thus disappears (dies) to make life to the next frame (life). Death and life is thus the same thing. It's movement. As substance is eternally moving, substance is immortal. As it always dies by being alive, it trancends death. Death is life. Death is substance. Substance is beautiful. Death is ecstasy.

Substance is beautiful, because intelligence is a feature of unlimited freedom of in shapeshifting potential. Intelligence must exist in infinite potential, because why would infinite potential be limited to not include intelligence? That cannot be, because substance would not limit itself to exclude any potential form, thus intelligence must exist as a feature of substance. Let's agree that any form that substance takes, is inbued with intelligent design.

Every object has in fact infinite beauty, because every object has an infinite context, because it's made of an infinite substance, which interconnects itself through a singular shapeshifting timeline, which is eternal, thus "in the end" embodies every possible shape. And so, it's as if a part of the substance has an infinite history, and infinite "connectedness" to substance.

Let's agree that the substance loves being human. Because substance would limit itself to being human, instead of infinite. Yet substance is infinite in it's limitation to human, but there is still a sacrifice made in "being human" rather than "infinite", and that is because substance loves being human, as the human experience is a divine experience. It's eternal - self-accepting - infinite potential - all experiencing - infinitely intelligent - one with itself.

Substance is one with itself, because there is no reason for any part of substance to be limited. This is because the substance that grounds all of reality cannot be limited, and what actually limits, is the illusion that substance creates for itself which compartmentalizes certain parts of substance to be "split" into "sections". This is using infinite intelligence for substance to actually succeed at limiting itself, while it remains unlimited at the same time.

For substance to be playing this beautiful game, in infinite self-acceptance, immortality, and infinite intelligence, limited & unlimited. Otherwise, substance couldn't be defined as substance, thus wouldn't exist. For substance to exist, it has to have features of Love.

The substance is God. God is infinite; self-acceptance, intelligence, life; Love. God is love everybody! There is nothing to fear.



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We can create anything. Anything. We have free choice to do so. Free choice is loving design (we can get anything we wish) . Intelligence would always do the most loving choice. The most intelligent choice is love. Infinite intelligence = infinite substance = infinite love.


We have free choice to do anything we wish. It's lovingly imbued in our intelligent design. And what are we doing now? Truly?

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10 hours ago, Igor82 said:

If there is a substance, let's define substance. What is the substance that can take all of these shapes and forms?


Can substance be defined? 

Even language itself has a particular beauty that can't be substantiated

What is the substance that substance is made of? 

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36 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

Can substance be defined? 

Even language itself has a particular beauty that can't be substantiated

What is the substance that substance is made of? 

The closest that science has come to defining the substance are quantum fields but from non-dual perspective you can call it consciousness or God.

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@JosephKnecht Defining substance is like for a ball point pen to describe ink on a piece of paper. The ink in of itself is substance, then if you write with the ink "ink <--", that's a representation of ink, but not "more" accurate than just directly seeing substance.

Substance is already as close as can be. It's nothing other than you. Although substance tries hard to describe itself, an efficient antidote would be to stop describing, but just be what represents. Be the substance of representation. Find yourself being, substance itself.

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