
Contemplation :My mind imagines it's location in the imagined head.

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Damn. It's frustrating. I try to find the assumed location of my mind inside my body. But it's not possible.

Because my mind imagines a Body, with a head in which it imagines it's location inside.

Where is my mind?

Mind differentiate outside and inside, based on a 3D model of reality. And locates itself in a black void in the middle of the 3D-world.

Now I feel like my head is really big, my mind just upgraded the size of it's headquarters lmao.


Do you have any contemplation tips for Mind? Including it's location.

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34 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Where is my mind?

Oh look, a wild assumption has appeared!?

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4 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Do you have any contemplation tips for Mind? Including it's location.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ultimately, there is no location of the mind because space doesn't exist. Location is a meaningless concept, as is the idea of "my" mind and "my" body.

From the relative perspective, in Eastern spirituality there is a form hierarchy for each being:

The senses are higher than the body, the mind higher than the senses, above the mind is the intellect, and above the intellect is the Atman. Thus, knowing that which is supreme, let the Atman rule the ego.

- Bhagavad Gita 3:42-43

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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You are walking around in your mind.

In fact; it's the only place where walking is possible, at all.

Touch the wall, look at the trees, the traffic, the people. That's all your mind. 

Unless there is no mind. In which case; it's all Light. Aka God.

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1 hour ago, Endangered-EGO said:

@Leo GuraGura There's gonna be a time for psychedelics, but it's not for me right now.

Yeah, well, you're basically wasting time contemplating sober.

Your sober contemplations will never be enough to get you the understanding you seek.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yes it's easy, get in-ear headphones. Play some flute music or some shit. You can mentally move the sound around your head, so it seems like its in the front of your head, at the back base of your skull, at the top of your skull... Like it can seem to be coming from any direction you decide to focus on placing it.

You will realize you can't actually locate where the sound is at all. It's not in any specific place. This can lead to the "mind expanding" subjective effect when you try to pinpoint its actual location to a single point and you just can't find it.

You can move other things around more fluidly. I forget now. But you can focus certain things into like, your knees and stuff. Sound is hard to move into your knees. But easy to move around your head.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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Through meditation there is the cessation of believing thoughts, and it is readily ‘seen’ that ‘my mind’ is a thought. Just like ‘unicorn’ is a thought… you don’t assume there is one somewhere and start looking for it. 

Using the emotional scale, frustration is understood to be an emotion experienced, and is no longer credited to an ‘it’. In practice, this emotion is realized to be divine guidance, the very feeling letting you know ‘my mind’ is a thought, like wall, or understanding. 

The ‘frustration’ tells you this, but you haven’t meditatively listened yet. You’re still tryin to find some thing in thoughts instead.



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@Endangered-EGO What you're doing reminds me of self-inquiry, the mind attempting to find itself. Maybe you've tried it. The very thought, "my mind" is a self-reference, a paradox, like the analogy Leo gives of his hand trying to grasp itself. 

Mystical schools teach the practice of embodying infinite mind, or no-mind (same thing). 

Edited by silene

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