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Praise the Sun, and the Importances of Gratitude.

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Praise the Sun my brothers and sisters. Next time the sun rises from the horizon, feel it's warmth and recognize it's beauty. Look around you and see all the things the sun has given you. By praising the sun, you will be praising the Divine, the giver of Life. Gratitude is to recognize that you are being loved. Not just loved by anyone, but loved by Being itself. That alone will heal your Soul.

Gratitude is spiritual, it is to connect to the gift and miracle of reality, and to clearly recognize it's divinity. Stop overthinking what you are, what you are not, and simply be grateful. Let go of the struggle, let go of the seeking. You don't have to be seeking anything, you don't have to struggle for anything. The gift is already here, the miracle has already taken place. The light is already illuminating every fibre of your being.

Gratitude will open your eyes to what reality is. It is your spirit reaching out to your essence. You do not need to let go of your ego, you can simply open your heart right now.


If your seeking is motivated by the rejection of your self, then it is motivated by fear. You fear what Divinity has given you, you fear yourself. How will you ever recognize Divinity if you run from your Self? This is your Self, all of it. It is your gift, it is your miracle.

Let us praise it, let us be grateful.



When you read this, do not look at it as an instruction, do not look at it as philosophy or advice, look at it like you would at a flower. Look at it like you would at a flower when you are in love. Recognize in all of these words the wisdom and purity of Divinity, and simply be grateful. Don't add, don't substract, simply be grateful.

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The condensed pressure of the world left unscathed by your words of appreciation. 

What was once thin and penetrable has modernized into thick cement like walls, In remembrance of yourself.

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Yup. The beginning of my life turning around from the pits of despair to a life worth living, was not entering the so-called spiritual path. That came later. The beginning was learning gratitude.

And once it's learned and practiced it grows, and grows, and grows...

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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