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charlie cho

Best way to learn?: find out who were the teachers of our own heroes

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It was said Michael Faraday learnt a lot from reading a self help book written by a Christian priest Isaac Watts. Michael Faraday was a master scientist and was a personal hero for Thomas Edison. For example, Sun Tzu is a trustable war advisor for us in modern times, because so many Chinese heroes, emperors, great strategists were obsessed with the book "Art of War". I initially thought Napoleon Hill was a fraud. But coming upon Dan Kennedy's marketing products, he regularly recommends Napoleon Hill when learning about wealth, so I started to read his books. Western kings, businessmen have utilized Machiavelli's teachings in his book, "The Prince" that I could not ignore the importance of that book to learn about power dynamics and social intelligence. 

Recently, I've been struggling to effectively study calculus and chemistry. My brain was about to explode because I couldn't see any results in my understanding of these subjects, even though I put at least an hour everyday.

I'm curious who were the teachers Einstein or Leonardo Da Vinci had? I'm talking about Ti thinkers. Who were their masters? 

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15 minutes ago, charlie cho said:

Recently, I've been struggling to effectively study calculus and chemistry. My brain was about to explode because I couldn't see any results in my understanding of these subjects, even though I put at least an hour everyday.

An hour a day is probably too little, spend at least two. Talking about teachers, in grade 8 I got into Euclidian Geometry, which was very interesting and built the base for how I approached math. It was heavily proof focused. But I don’t recommend it if you want to learn calculus. Calculus in university is about practice. Practice and learn to recognize the pattern of questions. 

I would recommend listening to this youtuber’s calculus playlist.

Edited by Derek White

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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