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What's the key to overcoming addiction?

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Well I do want to smoke cigarettes like there's no tomorrow. But it's ruined my goddamn life. 

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Personally I would say without reading the other answers to this thread that the most powerful way overcoming an addiction is visioning how much it will ruin yourself long term and then do not fall into the trap of wanting to stop the addiction right now but taking the slow strong path expecting backlash and emotional labour 

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Clear your traumas, experience all the emotions that comes from that and express them: scream, punch, cry, run like a kid, breath, let your body express itself.

You'll see that your addictions will naturally disappear. I used to bite my nails a lot but after clearing some traumas I don't even do that anymore.

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29 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Well I do want to smoke cigarettes like there's no tomorrow. But it's ruined my goddamn life. 

That's like saying you want to eat good food, but not get satiated by it. Or wanting to have a shredded body, but not hitting the gym.

Your wanting is split up.

Wanting to smoke cigarettes encompasses health issues. You want to smoke cigarettes but not have health issues? Notice that health issues and smoking cigarettes are not seperate from another. You say you want A (=cigarettes) but once you get A (=a ruined life or health issues) you say that you don't want A (=a ruined life or health issues), but you still insist on wanting to have A (=cigarette).

So, what do you really want? And how aligned are you with what you want?

Lemmy Kilmister was a true, aligned cigarette smoker. Man's didn't give a shit about his health. Maybe he wasn't aligned in 'the big picture', but he sure was aligned with what he wanted. Live fast and keep goin'.

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@EmptyVase Parts of me want to continue smoking despite the negative consequences. And other parts of me want to quit because I do care about my health.  I don't know what to do. I'm split up. 

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@Someone here

Yeah, maybe smoking cigarettes is the symptom, not the illness. Maybe it is not the smoking that requires healing, but something prior to it. Perhaps the emotions which make you grab the cigs in the first place. There surely must be something deeper to it than the superficial cravings that arise. Could be a peel-the-onion-back process.

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Even if smoking is not bad for your health, it is bad for your mind. what does smoking mean? it is to obtain a momentary satisfaction to escape from the basic state of anxiety. Smoking is not the problem, it is the symptom of a problem. you need to get to the bottom of your trauma. I said meditation before, but if your traumatized base causes you too much anxiety, meditation is impossible. what can do the miracle is a mushroom auto therapy, several times a month as long as it takes. psilocybin will open your ego and you will see the extent of your pain and you will be able to forgive yourself, and thus be able to be at peace, without the horrible permanent anxiety. You say that in your country it is illegal. that's your ego making excuses, since it wants to stay in command, and the best way to get a good grip on the balls is trauma and anxiety. you want to be free, or not? there is only that question

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You want momentum.  

Start with installing the small things in a habit app like habitica. Stuff like 'stand up', 'walk', 'start reading', 'start exercise'. Do that for a very very long time until you become bored.  Then introduce new tasks outside the habit app with no tracking.  Too much tracking and expectation will cause burn out. Only track the easy stuff. 

Quitting addictions is an advanced stage in momentum. 

Eventually you'll gain enough momentum and will to quit your addictions.  It will feel fun and exciting.  




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How do you know you're addicted? How would you define it?

Is it possible to use a substance regularly and not necessarily be addicted to it?

Ask yourself this.

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16 minutes ago, unborn_chicken said:

How do you know you're addicted?

It's obvious, unless you're in denial.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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>> What's the key to overcoming addiction?


Euh...  Call it MASTURBATION...

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Same here bro..I can feel you. Got addicted to nicotine lately.

I actually see this addiction very physical and not spiritual as the other claims.

I overcame it before and will overcome it soon.
Reducing the amount as much as you can in a realistic time line and then cut it off at once.

I would say less single cigarette a week plan.


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I feel you bro..Same here. I got addicted to nicotine lately.

I actually see this addiction very physical and not spiritual as the other claims.

I overcame it before and will overcome it soon.
Reducing the amount as much as you can in a realistic time line and then cut it off at once.

I would say less single cigarette a week plan.

Edited by Heaven

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7 hours ago, Egzoset said:

>> What's the key to overcoming addiction?


Euh...  Call it MASTURBATION...

remove the BS


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From what I know there are few different ways of how to end addiction. And all of involve consciouness work ? 

I personally can recommend doing a vipassana retreat, they will purge the hell out you. That's your highest chance to end your addictions. The practice of vipassana is oriented exacly to overcome cravings from deepest levels of the mind. I don't think there's another practice that focus on purification of the mind so much like vipassana. Idk.

Another way is simply any other practice like yoga, pranayama, meditation and all that. They all work to different degrees but I think vipassana would be the highest when it comes mind purging.

Cheers ❤

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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