
Why are Christians so obsessed with banning abortion?

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Idk if it’s a generalized phenomena for stage blue.

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@vizual I know but it’s safe to assume that as of today most are. Key word being most

Edited by Alfonsoo

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The sanctity of the soul.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Not all Christians are anti-abortion. In fact, not all anti-abortion folks are religious people per say.

The discussion of abortion rights is a very complex issue..where you can find a wide range of opinions.

Sucks for politicians who have to figure out how to satisfy everyone's's virtually impossible.

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On 08/10/2021 at 7:59 PM, silene said:

"Thou shalt not kill" perhaps? 

But they kill my brain cells every time they speak. 

There must be another reason. 

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@Opo  the anti-abortion Christians often don't use the word foetus, instead using something like unborn child. So they equate abortion with killing a child and children are innocent. Some anti-abortionists also support the death penalty, self-defence, wars, eat meat etc so a blanket no-kill philosophy is actually very rare. It's a complex subject.

But it does challenge me to explain why I make such a big distinction.  Why do I think it's ok to kill an unborn human organism, but killing one after birth is the worst crime? And how to justify a cut-off date for abortion? The growth process is a continuous progression from egg & sperm to the finished adult body, and putting an absolute cut-off line in a greyscale process is bound to be a bit arbitrary. 

Edited by silene

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They were propagandized by the GOP in the 80s. It was presented as killing babies which got them fired up and involved in politics. I was a Baptist for years and I don't remember it being quite as big in the 70s. Back then it was hippies and secular humanism. 

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It is like saying why are Christians obesessed with being Christians. 

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At SD-Blue where the vast majority of this hysteria is taking place, people are at a level of development where the Folk Theory of Essences is still deeply rooted in their psyche.

Which feeds in to the Black and White thinking at this level (people are either good or bad, someone is either a man or a woman, etc), which in turn makes them highly susceptible to propaganda that a medical procedure to abort an 11 week old fetus is the same as murdering a baby.

Because the Folk Theory of Essences doesn't allow for any gradation or nuance, something either is a baby or it isn't. When they're outraged about this issue, they're not envisioning a bundle of cells the size of a lima bean without a central nervous system, but their two year old granddaughter. The emotional reaction isn't dissimilar to the way we'd react if we saw someone kicking a puppy.

Then add to this punitive attitudes towards sex and towards women at this stage of development, where pregnancy when someone isn't ready for it is a moral failure and people are expected to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Which is enough to explain why most of these people only care up until the point that the baby is pushed out of a woman's body, and are generally disinterested in funding things like healthcare, education, and anti-poverty programs for that baby after it's born.

Edited by DocWatts

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1 hour ago, DocWatts said:

Because of the Folk Theory of Essences doesn't allow for any gradation or nuance, something either is a baby or it isn't. When they're outraged about this issue, they're not envisioning a bundle of cells the size of a lima bean without a central nervous system, but their two year old granddaughter. The emotional reaction isn't dissimilar to the way we'd react if we saw someone kicking a puppy.

It's very tricky to try to imagine how other people experience fundamental aspects of the world differently, and that is where concepts like the Folk Theory of Essences are brilliant tools. I was personally struck by this when reading about the pre-Socratic philosophers and their metaphysical ideas. How do you go about interpreting something that comes from such a vastly different cultural context than your own?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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They aren't allowed to fear death on the other end. If they are saved and know they go to heaven then there is no fear of death, or it must be covered over and repressed. So, like all things, all that tension comes out the other end and the idea of death of the unborn becomes the horror they cannot psychologically accept. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I think it's important to be able to make a distinction between people who cynically use this issue to exploit cultural divisions for the purposes of amassing wealth and political power, and the vast bulk of SD-Blue level people who are prone to being manipulated through emotionally charged issues. 

It's not that the latter aren't sincere in their beliefs, it's more that thier political positions aren't clearly thought out. Internal consistency simply isn't a priority for many of these people.

Indeed, it seems like a truism that people at later developmental stages can have difficulty even grasping that inconsistent and contradictory beliefs can be sincerely held. 

It's important to realize that generally speaking SD-Blue simply isn't at a developmental stage where deconstruction of one's worldviews and beliefs is something that's palatable; indeed thinking through the implications of one's beliefs is deeply threatening to the ego for people at this Stage.

Political and ethical decisions are more about identification with one's Tribe than it is about having any sort of consistent or coherent worldview. There's a reason why 'my country right or wrong' is most prevalent at this stage.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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Like, if it’s for creating a baby, and not a means of egoic pleasure, there’s no pro choice vs prolife conversation at all. Another way to say it is notice the animals we’re eating aren’t ‘having sex’ or ‘fucking’, they simply procreate. 



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christians in my country certainly don't seem to be "obsessed" with abortion

i never even saw them talk about it openly or protesting against it etc.


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10 minutes ago, BenG said:

You must not be here in MURIKA, land of the FREEDOM!!! 



certainly not

land of the free (with the most people in prison)    : )

(and the only western country with the death penalty) hihi

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