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Ooh thanks for letting me know who the artist was. Such an old painting/drawing. Was the tapestry very large when you saw it? I wonder how many laborious hours it would take to make a thing like that. (I like the pampered little dog sitting on the cushion. As well as all the wild surrounding animals.)


His portraits of people have a balance of being very ugly-pretty, I like it.

It all very much reminds me of 'Harry Potter/Gryffindor' because of the medieval influence in the books and movies. When I was 15-18 I had a Gryffindor themed bedroom and had many medieval paintings printed out and put into old looking frames to hang on my wall. I recognized a lot of famous paintings and drawings by him, I never knew he was all the same person.

I had this printed on my wall and I painted a wand in his hand with a glowing 'lumos' tip at the end of the wand which I was very proud of


The same artist drew this?! I love this one as well as the rabbit.


This drawing is in one of my figure drawing books


(artist self portrait) Interesting shirt.


(Copied from the link:) Dürer was born in 1471, in Nuremberg. "Wolves prowled the city walls. Skeletons of executed robbers hung in bony avenues to discourage other offenders. The same roads brought rats carrying fleas bearing the plague. In the forests, darkness held sway.” 

Rabbit - what is your left eye doing in that spot? xD 


Absolutely gorgeous, now I want to print this out and stare at it forever, and learn how to write in numbers in red ink like that.


Dude beautiful


xD xD 


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The Gryffindor common room movie set, the red tapestries are peeking through the walls


My old desk


Could not find wand-dude but I took a picture of this one


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I went to a Scottish festival for an hour during lunch. I liked the bagpipe music and watching the burly large men in kilts chucking heavy things around, and it was sunny and cheerful out. I also appreciate having a few friends who invite me to random things like that, otherwise I don't always have the initiative to look up whats going on in town. (not always very many festivals going on here) I think post covid me is way more interesting in going to out door events like this, or any event that is crowded with people, at least for a limited time. I like the dog watching, looking around at pretty items, and talking to some shop keepers about how they make or sell the stuff. It depends on the place, people, items surrounding or being sold as to whether or not it interests me, bores me or stresses me out. 

I also happened to dress extra 'fancy/pretty' today and I got an absurd amount of compliments from strangers, even outside of the festival. My hair attracts a lot more attention, when it was a regular color and I dressed down a lot I was practically invisible, the way I wanted it to be. Some of the compliments really did make me smile though.

There was this one witchy stall where there was pretty and interesting stuff galore I had to mentally hold hard onto my money and not buy things. I would pick things up and try to remember it in my mind instead of buying it. I havent bought anything for myself in the past 2 months in order to re set my poor spending habits, but this week I did buy 'extra' things such as multiple 5 dollar self help books (for my 'back to basics' journal) and I ate out once. I also did buy one thing from that shop stall, a white frame that is the size of my hand with a picture of Artemis in it. All of the greek gods are assholes or at least very 'human' but Artemis was always my favorite out of them all, with her symbols being the bow and arrow/dagger, woods, deer, not interested in marriage, moon. I like symbolic moon things, and how the moon is symbolically tied to rabbits in China/Asia. 

dog trying to bite and steal everything I have heh


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enough internet and journaling for today I think, I'm behind on study and work. Also what I mean by post covid is that there are no social distancing or masks, covid rates are almost the same as last year I think but hey at least half here are vaccinated.

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Late night weird painting when I couldn't sleep. My hands were a mess. It was also a struggle because I only had white, black, red, and a tiny bit of muddy colored yellow but hardly much.


So shiny I think I'm in love.



Trying out something different with painting and calligraphy, which I haven't done since high school. I'm using circle rulers for the first time in my life because why not? I've already practiced circles on my own for so long. For very balanced out things like this, I'd otherwise spend many extra minutes fixing and re adjusting circles without any ruler or guide, and it still wouldn't look perfect. It's surprisingly hard and an eye illusion in thinking I know where the center of a circle is. If I turn the page around, I'll see suddenly that its very off and I'll turn it around a few times to center it.


 Now I've run out of time and I'm going to go outside to study, play with the dog, jump on the trampoline, study some more. I can't spend that much time in my room because she can't come in my room with me and she has some separation anxiety now that the family is gone, she's used to multiple people coming and going around the house. It's always surprisingly hard and time consuming to take care of extra animals being a single person instead of a family, even the cat who normally just walks around biting my feet now likes attention from me. So a good portion/portions of my day is just going around petting each animal and playing with them. 

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Yeah some of his drawings are very expressive/life like for sure

 I wonder where different artists found animals to draw in the past before photos. Life/memory? Taxidermy? I'm just guessing he was being imaginative with the rhino drawing but perhaps  there was also just little reference to draw on. (But the overall shapes of the rhino look accurate) (Now I want to go and find paintings of lions that were made without that person ever seeing a lion before)

His pen drawings and detailed pencil drawings themselves vary a lot even within themselves from what I've looked at


And this isn't too related but I saw this the other day and it made me laugh

(The Great Hercules by Hendrick Goltzius 1581)



The gold ink has been working really well! I've used a few different types of gold ink in the past, and this one has been my favorite so far. The other gold inks had either dried or smelled really bad and flammable. There's a bunch of other metallic color options as well in this ink brand.




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sorry anyone looking for the nudity but his muscles does seem to outshine anything else

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Songs I've been listening to today plus the feeling I get put into gifs.





So I was listening to this song the other day before my family came home from their trip, I was playing it out loud as I was doing the dishes (I tend not to listen to music out loud if anyone is around, and I'm rarely alone) and my cat loved the sounds! She sat right next to the phone as it played. Maybe love isn't the right word, but she was drawn to the high pitched sounds like she would with birds or whistling sounds.











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Made up fantasy languages! None of them actually mean anything, they were all stream of conscious drawings/writing. I wrote out an english alphabet version of number 15/6, the one copied and inspired by the crystal bismuth. So far I've memorized  the made up alphabet A-G



I'm trying to come up with a uniform calligraphy fantasy language, one that still is familiar to look at. I'd like it to have 3 different stages of formality. This was my first attempt at using the new calligraphy pen I bought so it's nothing that great

The second top row is the only real calligraphy words, the rest were me just fiddling around and them ending up looking wonky. I think if they were overall rounder or more square in shape (the made up ones) they would look more uniform. I do like how a couple of them look like harps, but when I tried making all of the words harp-like, the top right ones, they ended up looking like candy canes so I filled them in.



Waking up with it looking like a heavenly UFO or something will take me away


The prettiest cloud ever


My favorite lighting



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On 10/21/2021 at 0:50 AM, modmyth said:

I felt like I at least deserved some kind of explanation or at least a speculation about why his muscles look that way, but no... nothing. Why does it look like he's hiding about 200 hard boiled eggs underneath his skin and why are they masquerading as muscles??

I thought the same thing, like there were rocks hiding underneath his skin. gets creepier the longer I like at it

On 10/21/2021 at 0:50 AM, modmyth said:

or captured one and held it alive in his studio while he worked on the painting.

Oh noo, maybe he was set free afterwards.

I read the article, I'm glad there's wikipedia articles for specific past art pieces like that.

(I like that second rabbit painting too, with the softer shaped features)

On 10/21/2021 at 0:50 AM, modmyth said:

A lot of the rabbit medieval art I've seen is violent in a super cartoonish way...

Are you thinking of the cartoony rabbits that hold spears/axes and look as if they're at war? 


On 10/21/2021 at 1:32 AM, modmyth said:

Also, your made up languages appeal to the child inside

Same here!

I only did it a tiny bit growing up but never actually went so far as to memorize a made up language. It's never too late to start though :D I remember in elementary school I learned the sign language alphabet with my 2 best friends, so that when we were split into teams at P.E, we could still talk to each other from a far off distance. 

I'm curious to see what your card game looks like, or what make believe languages would look like if you drew them.

I didn't have anything specific in mind before drawing them, I sometimes would get inspiration from the objects in front of me on my window sill (a jewel, a fossil, etc) and I would try to make each language have enough differences from each other, playing around with different shapes. It didn't take long to draw and was much easier (and more satisfying just because of the nice change and instant results) to write out/draw compared with trying to come up with imaginative drawings with compositions, which I always notice the flaws in my own mistakes.

The reasoning for coming up with made up languages besides just being super fun, is I plan on making more fantasy art/alternate reality cultures in the future.

On 10/21/2021 at 1:32 AM, modmyth said:

Did you ever take classes or were you self-taught? To me that is like wizard art at least partially because my own writing is so sloppy and messy usually, even if my drawing hand isn't... so it's probably mainly a purely psychological and emotional thing.

I took one online calligraphy class in my senior year of high school, when I finished up my credits early and could take a few extra classes. It was mostly self paced and straight forward, it was learning 4 different calligraphy styles (a couple of more modern styles, celtic, gothic) My favorite was gothic and my second favorite was celtic. It was just printing out the sheet and copying the words repeatedly. Because of the shape of the calligraphy pen nibs, it's a lot easier than it looks like, but then again is very hard to get perfect. From far way it's easy to look good but up close you can see all the small mistakes. 

I had 3 final projects, one of them was an alice in wonderland 'un-birthday' birthday card, which I have no idea where it went. The other was this Gryffindor paper which I ended up being really proud of/happy with. The third one was a quote from the bible about 'waking me up in early the morning is basically a sin.' if I remember right.


My hand writing is sloppy too! I sometimes have a hard time even reading back on my hand writing. Have you ever tried changing your handwriting up or is it something you don't try to change? My older sister actively tried changing her handwriting several years ago and I remember it actually working, but I've never bothered trying to change my handwriting too drastically. 



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Calligraphy practice #2


My neatness in writing started to slip away just half way through the page due to impatience. I've also run into a very obvious problem: I'm left handed and that makes it very awkward to write from left to right, without smearing the ink.

I started on a second page, this time practicing the Celtic calligraphy looks easier but its MUCH HARDER. The shapes are very specific, whereas the gothic alphabet is more straightforward and the angles are more simple.


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I got this 'BA D' test result the other day and as cliche as it is this pretty accurately represents how I feel about university this semester lol. I'll write about this later today.

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Before accidentally falling asleep for 3 hours, I was reading this old magazine/pamphlet that I had bought off of ebay, it's an LDS church young womens magazine book from 1918. I was just curious to see what it would have in it and it wasn't expensive to buy. 

I forgot how big that year was, with the wars going on (world war 1 ending that year, I think?) And I think the spanish flu, I don't know much about the things going in then. But those were talked about a lot in in it. 

The writing style was mostly casual and in the same speaking tone as testimony meetings and church speeches, not much different than it is today, besides the different political/war tone.

There was also this section that seemed surprisingly liberal/democratic towards women, for being written over 100 years ago. But then it mentioned God and the importance of having large families lol. But I still feel like LDS/Mormon women may have had it better back then compared to some women, or decent, because the church still places an emphasis on women getting an education, being treated kindly, and have women's groups to socialize in/be well connected in. (Just guessing though.) When I was in the church I had always gotten the sense that women were treated even better than the men because of all of the expectations being placed on young men, and I also got the sense that people viewed women having a more natural sense of spirituality/emotions, so emotions didn't seem too taboo, in a more shallow way. (emotions were talked with in church but there wasn't any deep psychological understanding of them either, people were behind on the times there.) 

(But yes I had the view that guys had it harder: Having to go on a mission instead of choosing to go on a mission, having extra roles and duties in the church. Which could be seen as sexist. But it still made my life easier, heh.)


I saw this too. Was this because of scriptures saying to eat less meat, or because of the war efforts back then to preserve and grow your own food, or both? Mormons in general eat a lot of meat and pretty much ignore that part of the Word of Wisdom, yet still don't drink hot drinks such as coffee and tea. I wonder how rare it is to find a vegetarian/vegan Mormon


And then a hymn for the soldiers


There was also the talk of 'Young women in this time have never before faced such trials and temptations in living in these current times.' This was the exact same thing being told when I was a teenager, things have been rapidly changing for over 100 years now, so that hasn't changed.

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How is the new Dune movie, I wonder? I got really excited for it when watching the movie trailer last year.

I still need to finish reading the book though. I read the first half of it twice. I'm scared of reading it 'wrong' or not enjoyably because it's really good but I haven't been in a good reading mood this year.

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When I brush my teeth and my blood sugar becomes instantly low and I need to eat something (this happens like twice a week. This is happening to me right now and I don't. Want. To fucking. eat.)

When it's Christmas morning and I've suddenly run out of insulin and feel like I'm going to die, orr I could go to the emergency room and pay 900 dollars for a single bottle of insulin (that happened to me a few years ago and I'm still feeling salty about it)

Waking up in the middle of the night a couple of times with wild roller coaster numbers, having low night blood sugar and becoming an absolute food monster and tearing through the kitchen in the dead of night to find something to eat and devour

When my blood glucose monitor device says 'ERROR - check again in 8 hours'. wtf?!!? I can't know my blood sugar numbers for 8 hours? I need backup here, this isn't going to do at all.

My diabetes glucose monitor screeching at me loudly many times each day. Soon I'm going to find a different one to use in November, I'll try. And it being super loud in class and everyone getting startled and looking at me, and me fumbling in my pockets to stop it's beeping

Feeling grumpy and brain fog when my blood sugar is high, which is about a fifth of my life

When I suddenly feel hungry and so I give myself insulin in order to eat food in 20 minutes to not be hungry. And then realize that my hunger is false hunger and really my blood sugar was low which gave my hunger, but I was too foolish to check my blood sugar until after I've given myself insulin and it's too late

When a prescription or medical device or insulin breaks, and I've run out, so I go to the pharmacy but they tell me my prescription doesn't renew for another week or so, or that I'm out. This is the story of my life. I really just need to have a months supply of backup or extra of literally everything, but it's hard to do that


There isn't much point in venting though because it's just an inevitable reoccurring daily cycle, and my grumpiness continues for a fraction of my day





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Will it be good? The trailer is so pretty/inspiring.


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Ok - stop getting distracted - back to drawing :D

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Drawing Dump / Going through my iphone photos 

And I know this is very self centered of me, but I find it therapeutic to put images together: in boxes, in books, to print out, whatever I'm in the mood for. Usually other art, but sometimes photographs, and sometimes my own art. 

 I like the yellow tone, the overall shapes and the heart roots.



...well then! (aw thats an adorable creature at the bottom left)


oi i remember this




I just remember that I got a b- on this assignment



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Some very November moods

I'm sculpting one of these gargoyles next week and I'm verrry excited.





Pray to the alien gods




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blood sugar: still very low ;( Whats the best grumpy face? x(

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37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

I mean stuff like this, is this what you had in mind too?


37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

Somewhere in my giant stack and shelves of notebooks and sketchbooks.... (I really should consider some kind of labelling system, but organization isn't my forte here, heh.)

Organizing papers is such a challenge

(I should organize my computer files for the first time in..ever)

37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

Some of the patterns that I saw remind me vaguely of things that I have seen in the past (for example, patterns on Minoan pottery, modern abstract), but that's probably inevitable that there would be some passing resemblance sometimes. Overall I think it looks really original!

BTW my partner also thinks your calligraphy looks nice and your made-up language looks intriguing. :>

Ooh well I do love Minoan pottery. I do think that it's pretty inevitable to be completely original (and usually pretty unnecessary too.) Sometimes I think I'm original with something and then I see a specific image from 5 years ago and connect the dots, that my mind somehow remembered eerily accurately. 

And intriguing is a good word! (Thanks)

37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

I've thought about doing this more too, like worldbuilding exercises and what not. Do you have the plan to translate it into stories or some other narrative format, or to just leave it as it is?

At first I was thinking of translating it into stories and having multiple languages and clues, with a language translation paper, but then I realized I probably don't have time for that at all and I need to sort out my priorities lol. So I'm teetertotering between the two but leaning more towards just having the languages be unreadable or graphs, and let the pictures speak for themselves. Also creating actual languages isn't my strong point.

37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

How many hours did you put into it all, do you think? Either in classes or self practice?

In that calligraphy class? I don't know, around the average time it took to take a class (sorry for the vague answer) Maybe like 4 hours a week.

37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

This is gorgeous! Even if you think it could be better. :P

Thank youu. 

37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

The last time I tried, I was around tween aged. I think I tried when I was younger than that too. It stuck for a while, but then it went back to normal... It was also around the same time that I made up my own signature and it's pretty much been the same since then. I had considered changing it a lot, but it seems it stuck. That too seems to be getting sloppier as age as well, haha.

At least a consistent handwriting feels more natural and 'you', yeah? (My handwriting changed a lot from 12-16 years old, but not a lot. Usually it was just me trying for a few pages to draw more neat, or to draw more sideways, and that was it.) Oh yeah, what's up with getting older and handwriting getting sloppier? I'll be interested to see if I can read my own handwriting when I'm 70.

37 minutes ago, modmyth said:

Also I've been waiting over a year to see the Dune movie.

I guess I agree with the general consensus: the first 3 books were really amazing, and the next 3 weren't, but then they weren't written by the original author. Definitely it feels like Very Serious Literature.

They kept pushing back the release date! I watched a short spoiler free movie review of it 20 minutes ago and he at least thought it was a great movie, for such an info packed book. 

I'll keep that in mind, that the first 3 books are good. I wouldn't want to be too disappointed by taking the time to read the 4th. I wonder if Paul grows up to be more villainous/morally grey character, he has some young-intense-ambitious-to smart for his own good-character personality traits going on. 

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Reocurring theme: Naked women o.O




(this was a friends Christmas present last year)









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Yeah I've thought a lot about how to combine drawing creative world building type things, especially in the past few years. For the past several years I've known that the direction I'd like to go in with art is something with both art and story/pages, but stylistically for a while I was pretty lost in what I was interested in. So I'm starting to figure that out more now. I do have the beginnings of a plan of an art project that I want to work on for the next 3 years, but for the next few months it will still be a lot of figuring things out.

Thats so cool that you have a copy of that book! I have it on my kindle although it isn't nearly as good looking on a smaller colorless screen. I really like the make believe biology/science and the plants. I like how that book had thrown out all of the regular art book rules and he just did what he was interested in and it worked. Also I LOVE that other book you shared from the 15th century, wow. I'll look more into that tomorrow...


I'm actually very interested in going in that direction (for now, in making a fantasy world art history book), in making a bunch of art pages and put it into a book as if you'd open a book and it's this guide/history/art history of another world, where everything seems familiar but very altered. Like some pages could be the evolution of fashion costume, others could be early on technology but it's different than our own, some pages would be just mysterious graphs or symbols. And besides being very fun, imaginative and freeing for me to draw, I'd also have something to look back onto as concept art so it could become useful as well. :P It's a weirdly specific thing to be interested and want to draw but I just want to roll with it and follow my interests, also I feel like I might just be able to pull off. (compared to like, a graphic novel, which I would love to try out some day but seems like a very daunting project to do, and has to be more orderly and thought out.)


Like I just think these fashion future predictions (by W. Cade Gall from the 1800s) are just lovely, and as funny as future predictions can be I also love looking at them unironically  xD 



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Also sorry I feel like I'm talking a lot about myself here

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