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How Would Decommodification of Housing Work?

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As someone living in Vancouver I understand that need to have some check on the housing economy so you don't have the ridiculous prices like we have here, but I wonder how would this work in practice.

I've heard leftists call for decommodification of housing, but how would this work? 

How would we decide who lives where? Obviously everyone will want the beach house property etc, and what happens if you get stuck living with a group of people who don't share your values or ideals?


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I don't know much about this topic, but Leo brought up a great point in his episode on Conscious Politics IV about luxury goods and having more than one home.  Make taxes super low on a first home that you're living in, but high taxes on houses used for real estate speculation.  



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@FlyingLotus That's a good point, I think addressing real estate speculation would be a great step forward.

But I was also thinking about this from a hardcore leftist perspective. Like I believe a lot of people want housing to be akin to healthcare(in Canada), where there's no profit motive and it's orchestrated almost entirely by the government.

The example of you gave above doesn't address the significant portion of the population that you can't afford an average house, even assuming housing prices weren't inflated from corrupt economics 

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8 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Like I believe a lot of people want housing to be akin to healthcare(in Canada), where there's no profit motive and it's orchestrated almost entirely by the government.

Yeah, that sounds like a bad idea.  Granted I don't know much about this topic so I'm open to learning.  Your question just reminded me of Leo's episode :)  

Edited by FlyingLotus

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4 minutes ago, FlyingLotus said:

Yeah, that sounds like a bad idea.  Granted I don't know much about this topic so I'm open to learning.  Your question just reminded me of Leo's episode :)  

Haha yeah I wouldn't want that either. Thanks for engagingB|


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