
The Relationship between The Known and Unknown

36 posts in this topic

A lot of you are jumping on the whole 'it cannot be known' bandwagon, completely disregarding, sometimes even demonizing knowledge and understanding.

It's ok.

I was there for a few moments too.

It felt very liberating. Completely detaching from everything and declaring that I know nothing... I thought I outsmarted reality. 

Soon enough, I found myself in a cage, with my hands tied, yet again.

Yes. It is very possible to get attached to not knowing. In fact; it's highly likely it will happen to you at some point along the way.

You will, unknowingly create another prison for yourself. A limitation.

You will inevitably turn 'not knowing' into an identity. Just like you'll turn no self into one.

'Truth cannot be known.'

Does that sound true to you?

To me it does not, fully. It sounds like a half of Truth. And not even.

How about:

'Some things you know, and some you do not.'

Does that sound true to you?

Yes, sir. Affirmative.

Here's another one for ya:

'Some things feel good, and others do not.'

Cannot really argue with that, can you?

Truth is incredibly simple. And that is how it's so damn complex.

There is so, so, so much to be known. And there is tons to be unknown, as well.

The relationship between the known and the unknown is a beautiful, forever ongoing dance. It is pure magic at play.

You do not have to choose sides. In fact; you cannot. Not for too long, at least.

You know and you know not. Make peace with that. Then; the stuff that you do actually know will come out of your mouth with dead certainty, and when you happen to know not, curiosity will arise. Excitement. Joy. Playfulness. You will be just as steady and immovable on unexplored territory.

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Only by knowing that you don't know can you ultimately know.

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Knowing appears, but nothing is ever known, which doesn't matter anyway. There's not just a whole lot to know, there's everything to know, which is nothing at all, which again does not matter or have any prescriptive intention. Attachment to not knowing is part of the dream of me. There is no knowing or not knowing, because knowing doesn't exist, it merely appears.

Ultimately, knowing is apparent separation via connection. There's nothing to be connected because there's nothing separate. And yeah, that makes no sense at all.

The suggestion is not that there should be less knowing, it's that knowing already isn't actually happening.

The only illusion is that something separate is known, real, or owned, but it's already the case that there is no illusion. This, exactly as it is, is already without any knowing -- and it's equally as real as it is unreal. Nothing is needed for this to be exactly as it is, and nothing even depends on this being exactly as it is.

Again, not prescriptive, or even meaningful. Just description.

Edited by The0Self

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What is 'knowing'? Experiencing in the present moment; having memories; or a theoretical understanding? Eg I've never been to New York but I think I 'know' what the Statute of Liberty is from pictures etc. 

Knowing is a word with various meanings, therefore there's multiple distinctions between knowing and not knowing. 

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It is not that it cannot be known, it is that it is irrelevant. the relevant thing is to be. that somehow is knowing

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3 hours ago, The0Self said:

 knowing doesn't exist, it merely appears.

It appears to the one that observers, and it is one with the one that is.

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

the truth is we don't know shit. 

Nope. That's just confusion speaking.

57 minutes ago, silene said:

Knowing is a word with various meanings, therefore there's multiple distinctions between knowing and not knowing. 

Do you know how to ride a bicycle? Drive a car? Play an instrument, perhaps? 

That's the kind of knowing I'm talking about. It's so deeply a part of you, no thought about it is needed. You are one with it.

44 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

the relevant thing is to be. that somehow is knowing

Yes. Knowing is One with Being. And so is not knowing.

How can you know Reality, Love or God?

Become it. Be it.

Edited by ivankiss

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I like how the more abstract the topic, the more the entire thing looks like conversations from the loony bin. :P

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31 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

Truth is knowing that there is no truth.

Loopy :)

7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

what do you really  know? 

Something you don't.

4 minutes ago, impulse9 said:

I like how the more abstract the topic, the more the entire thing looks like conversations from the loony bin. :P

I don't know what you're talking about :P

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Different sensations are certainly attached-and-one with different words. There is nobody seperate to know anything, unless we redefine know to mean feel. And you feel it because you are it. Love is a word. This is just what you are. 

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14 hours ago, Someone here said:

What do you really  know? 

I know something appears to be happening.  I may be totally confused about what that something is, but the lights are on, that much is self evident.. that much I'm absolutely sure of. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Someone here it's self evident.. the appearance of this very question is just more evidence. 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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