
Perfect Defense Technique!

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How to defend perfectly against "others." (As how it is revealed to me). Please read first my other article "Who am I and how so?" first.


First realize that you in truth are Awareness. And that this awareness is all pervasive, and is thus not limited to one mind or body. Meditate on it often. Ask and observe often how many times people speak and act from the beLIEf of an I that is apart from others.

The key to the perfect defense is perfect discernment on the critical moment when someone uses wrongful speech or act against you.


How does this work? 

Be in the space of perfect discernment seeing therefor the "other" within yourself, and yourself within the other. For its the same all pervasive awareness. The difference between the one rooted in Awareness and the other lost by his defilements, is exactly the weight of misunderstanding himself in that particular moment. Let therefor this be your ultimate reason to be compassionate, which is the awakened mind. Remind yourself when you realize this reason, that no matter what the other throws, is bound to leave, as it came up within himself, it must exhaust eventually due to changing circumstances.


I hate you! You are a fool! ... Now, answer knowingly he can't speak to you, does not speak to you, but is only thinking he speaks to you (he would be speaking if he would be either silent or speaks or acts in accordance with all pervasive awareness).

He does not speak to you, but is only thinking he speaks to you according to his beLIEf that there are others, but is actually discriminating his own mind. He is literally just slapping and cutting unknowingly his own mind by thinking he is speaking to you, so answer him in accordance of All pervasive Awareness calmly to let him remember his true nature: I do not belief you do hate me, or think that I am a fool. I do belief that you cannot hate me and that you cannot think of me being a fool. I belief you might missed the fact that I am in essence no different from you. I belief you might missed the fact that your feelings and emotions and thoughts come and go, they are not of you and me.

Keep in mind that all wrongful acts or false speech are rooted in the same ignorance, there for this same technique can be repeated over and over.    One does not need to exactly speak as shown in the example, the key however is not taking over the words, but using your insight to come to realize you are awareness that is all pervasive and become rooted in it. Speak and act in accordance with it and you reign. You reign because of your compassion, it makes hate, delusion and desire powerless.


Final notes:

In my other article: Who am I and how so? I explain the most direct technique to reach Me as revealed to me, (all Pervasive Awareness).

Remember, to master this technique, one must first get rid of his beLIEf that there are many others besides himself and act and speak accordingly to gather supreme deeds (non polar) that eventually overthrow the little me completely, never to be able to sprout back due to the eradication of desires that eventually leads to the false sense of self. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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This is deep and has some practical applications, if you wish to defend yourself from others. You do need to be mindful about how you use this, as using it wrongly could make you cold and fanatical. 

I fear that you may close your mind from others thoughts and feelings. You may defended yourself against the truth if they speak in anger. If they what say is not true, there is still something to be learnt by what they said. How they think and why they think so.

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32 minutes ago, Spiral said:

This is deep and has some practical applications, if you wish to defend yourself from others. You do need to be mindful about how you use this, as using it wrongly could make you cold and fanatical. 

I fear that you may close your mind from others thoughts and feelings. You may defended yourself against the truth if they speak in anger. If they what say is not true, there is still something to be learnt by what they said. How they think and why they think so.

Absolutely! IF one is not compassionate at such a moment, then you have the mindset of a cold hearted one.

If in compassion, and I speak there for from my heart, a few words, and the other calms down. If its not in me, its by time no longer in you. I review it as: One+anger. And that this anger doesn't get fuel from compassion, and burns up (One-Anger).

From Oneness, its really like you want the other to be letting the anger be dried up by letting him react, so he can be rid of it, knowing that ones compassion is no fuel.

Edited by Motus Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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