
What Am I And How So?

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I have been meditating and investigating last night in all honesty, and this is what was revealed to me. You may challenge these views, or question or even add your own information what was revealed to you.


What am I, what are you all really?

I am not everything existing, or nothing.

I am not a combination of everything and nothing, or the subtraction of separated completely from it.

I am not a result of a certain action.

I am not physical or non physical.

I am not earth, wind or fire.

I am not the emptiness or void.

I am not that which I perceive through my senses, my intellect, my mental formation, sense impressions, my feelings or my bodily consciousness.

I am not sound, image or anything related to such things.



But what am I then and all others, and how so?

I am Awareness. That which is the glow of the fire, the ocean of all water, the blue glow over earth.  Without Me, your body is an empty vessel and completely useless. I am not limited to one body, or one mind. I am the pure mind, without defilements, the untouched, the true deathless, without ever birth or being sick. I am THE I, and not the limited separated I. I am THE Me, and not the little me. 

What is the reason why there is little me?

Its root cause is desire. It makes them forgetful, and this leads to lose the ability to perfect discern. Losing the ability to perfect discern leads to little me and this leaves to the application of servant to ones own senses.

Leads to thinking in "persons" which the greatest discrimination and damage to ones own mind.


What happens if any one gets rid of little me?

Perfect discernment. He can be compared to a lotus leaf held in the ocean, it will remain untouched.


What is the awakened mind?

The awakened mind, is the compassionate mind.


What is the most direct technique to reach ME?

Cut off all wrongful information as a whole (which can only be rooted in wrong discern) like you would not take poison when offered. Stop the flood of the information that is harmful. And stop food addictions and everything that defiles the mind directly like alcohol and drugs (its still harmful information). And fill yourself with spiritual knowledge that is wholesome information that the real you shares when focusing only on ME, when you meditate on Me. See ME, in all things and beings, for I am not limited to anything. And surely you will grow wary about little me and its related thoughts that sprouted from ignorance, and so right discern is remembered so you can build upon thoughts that are not rooted in ignorance until you are fulfilled, letting the thoughts rooted in ignorance rot away.

How does the law works after death, how must hell and heaven been seen?

I remain I, The I. Little me, is Me + desire, streaming away by its own desires, heaven and hell are exhaustion mechanisms based on duality which is the doctrine of temporary. One goes on with ones own game of either having the taste of becoming the defilement (unwholesome) which refers to hell, or the game of getting rid of it (wholesome) which refers to heaven. In either way this never stops. Heaven and hell are there for true unwholesome, and removing the attachment to it by getting rid of the desire leading to it, is true wholesome.


Have  you any arguments proving YOU being all pervasive?

If out of everything you would perceive only one thing, would completely represent itself standing on its own, namely: Thoughts presenting itself being thoughts, sounds being sounds, images being images, intellect being intellect, mental formation being mental formation, sense impressions being sense impressions, physical objects being physical objects, perception presenting itself being perception and consciousness being consciousness, then I would not be all pervasive.

> Not one thing out of everything presents itself being that which it presents, its always a composite presenting anything else but itself.

Conclusion: I, Me (Awareness), is all pervasive. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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Pretty good. But the ultimate question is, are you really experiencing this insight or is it a logical conclusion of the mind?

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@vizual Dear Vizual,


No matter how many or how less words I am going to put in this reply, you won't be able to know.

I would ask in return, isn't the ultimate question rather if it brought You to new insight to work with, which you know by heart will bring you closer to your true self? Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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8 minutes ago, Motus said:

@vizual Dear Vizual,


No matter how many or how less words I am going to put in this reply, you won't be able to know.

I would ask in return, isn't the ultimate question rather if it brought You to new insight to work with, which you know by heart will bring you closer to your true self?

If that is the question then I would have to answer no. Reading peoples insights only inspires me to further my own search but the words themselves rarely, if ever, bring me some kind of insight which really helps me deepen my understanding of my experiential reality. For that, only my own words and analysis of reality seem to be of benefit. 



RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@Motus Yes, that's WHO you are. But now you gotta experience WHAT you are!

Much harder.

WHAT is awareness?

WHAT is the I AM?

Go from Atman to Brahman.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Dear Leo, 

The experience I have Leo, after hard work living in seclusion from unwholesome deeds, given up sense gratification has led to the experience of pure bliss, happiness and a state of trance of no other similar kind, unknown to the masses.

I see not a single effort in experiencing what I am. The effort Leo lies not in experiencing what you are, but getting rid of the defilements, the obstacles, the attachments that prevent one to be free of mind.

Given up unwholesome deeds, namely: wrong view, intentions, speech, act, effort, livelihood, attention and concentration, sustaining a sublime discipline and strong concentration and attention on the all pervasive, surely leads to the end of desire soon, or later. 

Awareness knows not an equal and is all pervasive, has not been born, knows no illness or origin, there for the question WHAT is Awareness presuming its a composite of some kind, is based on a wrong idea of yours Leo. Its based on the idea that the essence of everything (or yourself) is nothing, and by this, one concludes wrongly that Awareness is being something (everything is a composite, and since its not nothing it must there for be something) now logically leads to the question: WHAT is Awareness? (Presuming its a composite of some kind,   which  it   of  course   isn't, never was and never will be). Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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@Motus I never said to presume anything. I'm merely suggesting you keep an open mind and question deeper in the nature of things. Who knows what you might find.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Motus I never said to presume anything. I'm suggesting you keep an open mind and question deeper in the nature of things.

That will be hard if the questioner is resolved in Me where my real wishes are fulfilled, and by this all my questions dissolved like snow under the sun. The knowledge I experience is direct, and pure. I work now only in realizing it for as far as possible. And share the knowledge at the moment here for the benefit for those who seek and are willing to take it further for they can be free of mind too. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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@Motus The questioner may be resolved, but there is much yet to become directly conscious of ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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