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The Buddha

Why are we so biased towards transcendent God rather than immanent God?

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I feel that in my path I tend to be quite biased towards a certain type of mystical experiences or at least value more some realizations. For example, I enjoy psychedelic insights, trascendental meditations, shamanic breathing... However, as I'm getting mature I'm starting to have a different type of experiences, the cold wind playing with my hair, the birds singing, the sound of leaves dancing, to walk and feel my shoes in the ground, the sun warming up my face... Which lately they are bringing me tears of joy. At the beggining, I didn't pay much attention, because I thought that the real deal where this non-dual states everyone is talking about. However, I have come to the conclusion that this is in fact a great bias, we are biased towards trascendent God and we look down on this crude 3d time-space reality. But in fact All is God, so no difference at all. I'm finding great joy in mundane things for I see God disguised in them, it's not as before that I wanted him naked obvious in front of me. I'm enjoying his play, his ways, and his all-pervading and all-trascendent features. It has been a great duality collapse for me, this exact here-now is as close to God as you will ever get. This is it, also the samadhi is it, going for a walk is it and working in your job is it. His presence is ever-present. Just wanted to share it with you because I'm sure that someone will be benefited from this. I've been very deluded in this bias, absolutely lost in it, always searching for the highest high, the ultimate reality, full awekening, the God-Head... How stupid, always in front of me, it is in fact all there is. Now, my play comes from a different place, to realize him in the most mundame realities and in his utmost magnificient ones. Realizing that God is One and exploring his vastness with equanimity and curiousity. To sum up, don't be deluded and think that nirvikalpa samadhi is somehow more God than working at the office monday 9am.


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All states are God, but not all states are aware of themselves as God.

Working at the office on Monday is no good if awareness of it as God is missing. But if you bring the awareness to it, then of course the mundane is the divine.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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