
On which diet do you feel your best?

27 posts in this topic


Its a complex case and we propably wont find the "golden diagnosis" through some rough guessing on the internet. I have read through your responses and I will give you my input - but i need those 2 questions answered first:

You mentioned low blood pressure: How low is low? What is your average? What about your heart rate?

Did you already check your thyroid function? 

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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thanks @Michael569

@undeather i have checked my thyroid function and the tests came back ok, it's already like 4 or so yrs back, maybe i can still find the email with the numbers

and i don't really check my blood pressure but whenever someone checks it they usually say it's low or very low, my mom has a blood pressure check device, i'll check it

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Chronic fatigue, anxiety, brain fog ... - those are the kind of unspecific symptoms that often lead to a big journey for the needle in the haystack. Its particulary difficult to find the right etiology (the causing factor) in these cases because there is an almost unending amount of issues that could cause such complaints. Quite often there is a psychological component that plays into some physilogical disturbance of homeostasis. Sometimes the cause is very simple and it just takes some intelligent screening method to find out whats wrong. 

If you want to get better, the strategy I would advise you to follow is the following: "Common things are common"
The most important thing - and thats why I am not a big fan of playing the internet doctor - is an extremely detailed medical history of all your symptoms in their temporal process. This is by far the most important step and you need to find a good doctor in your area that is willing to do that. This is especially important if the things I mention below come back without any saliences and we have to dig deeper.

Before we are going into weird territories like heavy metal toxicity, mold-exposure or subclinical viral infections, lets talk about the common causes:

These are the things I would do:
- General blood lab screening - ANYthing out of whack could hint us into a direction
- Specifically those markers up to date: Blood panel (+Differential), T3,T4,TSH, ALT, AST, LDH, Bilirubin, GGT, Amylase, Lipase, Cortisol-panel (Cortisol-DHEA-quotient!!), Creatinine, CK, B & D-Vitamin-Levels, Natrium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron-panel, Copper, Immunoglobulines, ANA, CRP, ESR. prolactin, testosterone!!, progesterone, Transglutaminase-antibodies, NT-proBNP

- Get an ultrasound of: Heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, carotid arteries

- Tests to rule out a fructose, lactose -, histamine -, gluten intolerance

- ((Eventually a MRT of the brain))

- Regarding your blood pressure: If your blood pressure is too low, this could pontentially cause fatigue/anxiety. You should check this asap - buy a blooodpressure device from amazon and start measuring 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Try to sit down for 3-4 minutes before measureing. Dont measure twice, the first value you get is the one you write down. Dont forget to write down the heart rate as well. 

- For potential SIBO I would think about a diagnostic test with Rifaximin/Neomycin for 7-14 days. If it gets better, its propably that. There is a lot of literature on the "perfect" combination of several antibacterial substances - check out the work of Dr. Pimentel and Dr. Siebecker.

- Get evaluated by a psychiatrist! So many times, the real cause of such symptoms is a psychological one. 


Now, after that - you can go into the direction of the weirder theories! 
But then, a really good medical anamnesis is even more important and I would say even indispensable at that point! 

These are some ideas, maybe they are helpful to you -
TAke care

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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yea thank you @undeather

some of those things you recommend i've already done (and more), some i can still do

i'm also back on a low lectin diet which is really restricting and time consuming, had cheat meals yesterday and today though

i think i'm just extremely sensitive to many things, many things cause anxiety irritability etc.

for example yesterday and the day before i took a supplement with curcumin as an anti inflammatory, it also had d3 and vitC

i was really irritable those days but i already took it because i didn't feel good in the first place

but then i thought it might have been the d3 in the supplement which made me feel even more irritable, because i've had anxiety etc. before from taking a d3 supp, and i've been down the reddit rabbit holes of d3, k2 etc. etc.

feel like i'm going in cycles with this stuff

truly a needle in the haystack

but let's see how it goes

Edited by PurpleTree

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4 minutes ago, ALLIS said:

Vegan whole foods as much as possible :x


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Vegan with a daily B-12 and iron vitamin and occasional protein powder

Feels good in terms of not eating animals

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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