
On which diet do you feel your best?

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I'm often fatigued (chronic)

and have some gut issues

i've tried many different diets like





lectin free

low histamine

gluten free

dairy free


but it's really hard to tell which one is the best for me, because food does not always effect me the same way and there's also a lot of placebo nocebo going on.

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i felt kind of good on the lectin free diet but it's very time consuming and expensive

carnivore and keto i felt great for about a month and then started feeling worse

next i might try fodmap and gluten and dairy free again

also might cut sugar completely out of my diet to see how that feels

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Sounds like you have a deeper underlying issue which diet alone will not solve.

Seriously look into detoxing protocols for heavy metals and liver cleanses. Stuff like that.

If there is something toxic in your body, no amount of adding good stuff will address the root issue, because the toxin needs to be removed. It's like putting a cast over a rotten leg.

People with chronic fatigue need to be doing liver cleanses. Lots of them. And checking their heavy metals and other blood work stats.

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Well balanced vegan with minimal intake of industrial processed foods. Ideally and if you can, grow your own food. No superior diet exists or can exist.

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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

carnivore and keto i felt great for about a month and then started feeling worse

Idn what you ate on keto but if you ate 0 carbs on carni for a month that could have crashed your testosterone. 

You should eat some berries or honey once in awhile. 

Edited by Opo

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I agree with Leo here. But I felt the same way, and this new diet has completely revolutionized everything for me: 

•Stop eating at Midnight, Eat at 4pm. (16hr fast, 8 hour eating window — but be careful with this, build yourself up cause your adrenals could overwork themselves)

•1 lemon squeezed into 16 oz water upon waking. Also repeat this two more times a day.

•(Juicing) Beet, Spinach, broccoli, celery, ginger, cilantro, orange, and a bag of grapes = euphoria. 1X daily. 

•Channa Masala Indian dish (chickpeas and vegan curry sauce) 

•Frozen grapes




•Detox Tea w/ Honey, Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper, and Turmeric

•Raw Almonds

This should get you feeling very in love with life, or at least help a bit, but the heavy metal detox is so crucial. Decide if it’s necessary after you’ve followed a raw vegan protocol like this. 

You don’t need a bunch of protein, it’s a garbage myth. Nowadays if I eat any meat/dairy/American food, I have acid come up my throat and feel horrible! 

Diet changes are a slow thing built over weeks and weeks. Just start with the lemon in the morning consistently, and you’ll naturally crave healthier foods. IMO

Much love! I know how miserable chronic fatigue can be. 

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29 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

You don’t need a bunch of protein, it’s a garbage myth. Nowadays if I eat any meat/dairy/American food, I have acid come up my throat and feel horrible! 

i often feel better with more protein and less carbs. carbs make me anxious sometimes and really fatigued.

i think it has something to do with blood sugar spikes and then drops.

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8 minutes ago, nuwu said:

Do you a lot of fats/oils? I've read that too much of them can temper with glucose/insulin metabolisms.

not that much, sometimes when i read something about the gut micro biome and that for example eating butter feeds bacteria which produce gaba, then i eat more butter

on keto i ate a lot of fats obviously

usually just butter, olive oil, nuts etc. not a lot of fried stuff

Edited by PurpleTree

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19 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

i often feel better with more protein and less carbs. carbs make me anxious sometimes and really fatigued.

i think it has something to do with blood sugar spikes and then drops.

@PurpleTree I understand. This happens to me too, but I just have to eat more frequently. Like every 2-3 hours, or I get very irritated. 

My body is getting used to it. I just can’t eat meat, so there’s no other option for me. 

You’re going to have to carve out your own unique health and diet path, no one’s is going to look the same. Take the good things that work with each thing you find resonates with your mind/body over years, and you’ll be golden. 

Suanas help a lot with my chronic fatigue. 10-15 mins daily. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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12 hours ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

@PurpleTree I understand. This happens to me too, but I just have to eat more frequently. Like every 2-3 hours, or I get very irritated. 

My body is getting used to it. I just can’t eat meat, so there’s no other option for me. 

You’re going to have to carve out your own unique health and diet path, no one’s is going to look the same. Take the good things that work with each thing you find resonates with your mind/body over years, and you’ll be golden. 

Suanas help a lot with my chronic fatigue. 10-15 mins daily. 

i tried around with many proteins lentils, meat, cheese, vegan protein powder, brown rice protein powder, nuts, etc.

often i take a whey isolate protein shake with stevia, i'm sure it's not the healthiest but it's a decent start into the day for me an then after that maybe a banana and some carrots

yea i love sauna too

i also have a low blood pressure, how bout you?

Edited by PurpleTree

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On 06/10/2021 at 2:41 PM, PurpleTree said:

i also have a low blood pressure, how bout you?

This can cause a lot of fatigue in some people. Sometimes low blood pressure could be related to adrenals (or may not) and struggling adrenals could potentially contribute to fatigue, but it may not have anything to do with it, hard to tell without more info. 

On 05/10/2021 at 10:36 PM, PurpleTree said:





lectin free

low histamine

gluten free

dairy free


Sounds like a lot of avoidance. I'd probably challenge all those dietary "patterns" and try to create a sorta holistic dietary pattern where no food will be necessarily vilified or eliminated but the diet will be structured around mostly whole foods with some animal foods (unless you have ethical or other restriction) mostly plants but not to a degree that you'll go either vegan or keto or raw or any of that. All those names indicate restrictions. 

Diet shouldn't be so complex and so restrictive either and the more complexity you'll keep adding (e.g. histamine free, salicylate free, low carb etc) will just take away more and more nutritious foods and energy sources leaving you with a  limited plate of options and with that it is super easy to eat under your required caloric limit and get fatigued. 

Naturally it may all come down to other physiological things going on. From my experience fatigue nearly always comes down to how diet is structured and to a lesser degree to sleep/activity balance. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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On 10/5/2021 at 7:57 PM, Leo Gura said:

Seriously look into detoxing protocols for heavy metals and liver cleanses. Stuff like that.

If there is something toxic in your body, no amount of adding good stuff will address the root issue, because the toxin needs to be removed. It's like putting a cast over a rotten leg.

People with chronic fatigue need to be doing liver cleanses. Lots of them. And checking their heavy metals and other blood work stats.

What are the liver cleanses you recommend? 

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On 11.10.2021 at 0:12 PM, Michael569 said:

This can cause a lot of fatigue in some people. Sometimes low blood pressure could be related to adrenals (or may not) and struggling adrenals could potentially contribute to fatigue, but it may not have anything to do with it, hard to tell without more info. 

Yea i think so that's part of it, because i'm easily stressed and anxious which is kind of exhausting.

On 11.10.2021 at 0:12 PM, Michael569 said:

Sounds like a lot of avoidance. I'd probably challenge all those dietary "patterns" and try to create a sorta holistic dietary pattern where no food will be necessarily vilified or eliminated but the diet will be structured around mostly whole foods with some animal foods (unless you have ethical or other restriction) mostly plants but not to a degree that you'll go either vegan or keto or raw or any of that. All those names indicate restrictions. 

Diet shouldn't be so complex and so restrictive either and the more complexity you'll keep adding (e.g. histamine free, salicylate free, low carb etc) will just take away more and more nutritious foods and energy sources leaving you with a  limited plate of options and with that it is super easy to eat under your required caloric limit and get fatigued. 

Naturally it may all come down to other physiological things going on. From my experience fatigue nearly always comes down to how diet is structured and to a lesser degree to sleep/activity balance. 

Yea i do normally eat in those "healthy" more holistic ways.

But then because i still have gut issues, stress issues and fatigue i try different more restrictive diets, which do help in some ways but they're often not longterm solutions imo.

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I don't have a diet but I am eating at certain hours, small portions. I programmed my body and I am fit for more than 5 years.

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14 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

But then because i still have gut issues, stress issues and fatigue i try different more restrictive diets, which do help in some ways but they're often not longterm solutions imo.

Yeah sometimes all these elimination diets can become a bit of catch 22 of needing to eliminate to heal gut but not eating enough and ending up fatigued. Hard to tell what's going on without more info but maybe you could for a start see if some medical tests would be available to you that could at least tell you what's going on, especially in the gut. Is the thing more intestinal (deeper) or more towards the stomach (middle and upper torso)? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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On 6.10.2021 at 3:18 AM, nuwu said:

Do you a lot of fats/oils? I've read that too much of them can temper with glucose/insulin metabolisms.

yes it does, it builds up in the muscle cells and hinders insulin ,so type 2 diabetes.

gotta not get overcaloric on keto or it happens on there as well.

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On 18.10.2021 at 11:48 AM, Michael569 said:

Yeah sometimes all these elimination diets can become a bit of catch 22 of needing to eliminate to heal gut but not eating enough and ending up fatigued. Hard to tell what's going on without more info but maybe you could for a start see if some medical tests would be available to you that could at least tell you what's going on, especially in the gut. Is the thing more intestinal (deeper) or more towards the stomach (middle and upper torso)? 

Ok some more info so i often had a sensitive gut as a child even, when i felt anger, stress or fear it's often the strongest in the gut.

Don't get diarrhea etc. often it's just an uncomfortable feeling in the gut. Which also often keeps me awake. and sometimes it can be from something i ate or from stress.

I'm kind of always tired and battle with anxiety and irritability, but my days are completely different like one day i'm mostly fine (still kind of tired though) 

and the next day i just feel extremely tired, brain fog and very uncomfortable (more anxiety, mostly social etc.) so because of that fact i kind of get a bit obsessed with food.

Because i think maybe it's something that i ate yesterday, or the days before that's causing more anxiety and fatigue in this moment etc. (less feel good hormones)

If i had to guess i'd say it's something with the gut micro biome out of whack that they don't produce enough serotonin, dopamine etc. everyday. Or an inflammation thing.

it could also be something else, the thing is the placebo/nocebo is also really strong so it's hard to tell, sometimes i cut out some food and feel better instantly but then a bit later (or days) i'm again fatigued and more anxious.

about the gut, it's more in the lower gut in the intestines, colon i guess. recently (in the last few yrs) i've done  a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy, the doc said it's mostly fine. i've also done a sibo test, but they only test for one variant here. The doc said those things are really hard to see and it could be ibs, gut micro biome out of whack etc. 

On keto (and carnivore) for example i felt less stressed, anxious etc. for sure but then after a month my sleep got worse and worse and i started to feel worse in general.

Some other symptoms:

Acne, didn't really have that but i started to having it more since like probably about 5 yrs. Comes and goes, different everyday/week

Dandruff: had that since i was about 13 i think, sometimes a lot stronger and sometimes almost gone. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything but sometimes i think it's all tied together.


There are many "weird" rabbit holes one can go down with those things like nutrition and (mental) health. For example i'm pretty sure i have an issue with acetylcholine like it makes me feel worse easily. Seems like "many" people on reddit do have such an issue. They often don't react great to choline supplements and even fish oil, it causes brain foggy feelings in some. So it's easy to get lost in that stuff. Still kind of interesting though.


Edited by PurpleTree

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@PurpleTree I'll defer to @undeather and his trained diagnostic eye to assess what's probably going on but seems like it may be a combination of multiple factors including disrupted microbiome for many years, some potential SIBO, potential intolerances stemming from disrupted intestinal integrity. All of those are hard to test for and tests and diagnostic tools are not always super accurate. 

But a test that maybe be worth doing could be: fecal calprotectin, jejunal aspirate for SIBO, IgA Tissue Transglutaminase for Coeliac and some sort of microbiome test maybe? Maybe also some general inflammation markers tested in the blood and potential some parasitology screening but I'll defer to the expert above as he is a gastroenterology medical doctor 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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