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URGENT! Stop the Kratom Ban!

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Go to and sign the petition and leave a comment for the fda explaining why it should stay legal. If this goes through, kratom will be scheduled and a yet another black market will be made for it. I don’t need to go into the countless reasons it should stay legal  but just know that we are almost out of time so act quickly. The final decision will be made this month.

Edit: Actually I should say one thing. The main and most likely only reason this is being done is so big pharma doesn’t lose out on all that money of people using it to safely come off of severe opioid addictions and treat pain instead of their hardcore subutex/methadone and pain killer  prescriptions. It’s an international ban and the World Health Organization is involved. So if this goes through, millions of people who need it badly will have to go without.

Edited by Emotionalmosquito
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