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Logo Daedalus on some of the toxic aspects of the Internet

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''No one on the internet is your friend. There is no such thing as friendship on the internet. You can accept this as a fact or learn it for yourself over years of disappointment. People on the internet are combatants-- that's all there is in the spiritual animal kingdom.

There is no Friendship on the Internet-- & so there is no Truth to be found in "internet relations"-- the Truth of all internet relations is that everyone involved is a combatant in a perpetual total information war operating in defense of the global anglo empire.

By participating, you are engaged in the defense of the global empire. If your participation is to "attack the global empire"-- then the internet directs combatants to eliminate you by any means necessary. Scapegoating rituals create solidarity amongst combatants. "Ratio!"

DARPA Presents: "the Internet", a Psychodramatic Roleplaying Combat Simulation for "the Public" On "the Internet" you & a team of randomly selected cyber warriors from across the planet will be Live Action Role Playing as DARPA Globe Planners. What do YOU think about Taiwan?

You can try to play a different game on the internet-- you can go "Hey guys, we're currently LARPing as DARPA Globe Planners, but we don't have to do that-- we can talk about anything we want-- we can read poetry & share music!"-- but then you'll just be scapegoated. Fun!

The Internet was not made to "make your life better." The Internet was not made for "creative collaboration." The Internet was not made for "Finding Friends." The Internet was not made for the proliferation of Beauty, Truth, Wisdom. The Internet was not made for you.

The Internet was made for the 24/7 perpetual defense of unipolar anglo-Atlantic hegemony through superior intel gathering, sorting, filing, & dispersal via decentralized network "hive mind" consciousness of any army. This is all it ever was & all it ever will be. This is Hell.

If you act like a human being on the Internet, you'll be swarmed by combatants seeking to instrumentalize your humanity toward some "mission objective" of theirs that only exists in the virtual reality of "the Internet"-- the medium is the message.

Paradise is seeing the Eternal Good everywhere & in everything, which is always already there-- it's just that people only see it except in brief moments. Anything that keeps you from seeing the Good everywhere & in everything is from Hell.

The Internet is designed to maximize your engagement with it-- this is done by keeping your attention to the trivial temporal "not Goods" that are everywhere expiring & annihilating themselves. Only the Good has eternal existence-- anything that is "not good" is Nothing.

Memories of "using the internet" don't exist in specificity-- because internet social media is Not Good, it is composed almost entirely out of Nothing. This is because it is Hell. The Internet seeks to annihilate the Good. That is why it exists-- to create Hell on Earth.

The Internet is succeeding in annihilating the Good & annihilating all that is True & Beautiful, replacing the Good with the sublimation of immediate libidinal desires. A state of pure sublimation of libidinal desire is called "Hell"

Hell is where you get everything that you desire. Have at it.''

I am just quoting and parroting the most recent post I saw from his Twitter account R. CAM. He takes his inspiration and has featured quotes and excerpts on his account from Christianity, Marxism-Leninism, and Hegels work those that I know of.

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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