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Do All Drugs Have Negative Side-Effects?

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I've heard people talk about the law of polarity, and that basically every drug you take will have some negative effects on you. Is that true? Do all drugs need to work this way? If yes , then why?

I am doubtful. I think it is possible that there are drugs which do not have any negative effect.

What do you think?



Edited by SQAAD

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It's not by design that drugs have undesirable effects, it's just lack of holistic perspective when designing them. A single chemical cannot treat a systemic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis so the best they can do is create a chemical that stops your body from producing something that causes pain or it blocks a docking site or something of that sort. It;s the effect of sticking toilet paper in the coolant of your computer because it is too loud not realising it may destroy the circuitry from the heat. The adverse effects is just other effect of that drug unfortunately not a desired one. 

But pharmacology by definition is not addressing the disease on the systemic level, it just stops symptoms from occurring or it blocks a chemical that triggers a cascade of processes that would trigger symptoms, it is the greatest weakness of the modern medicine that medicine is unable or unwilling to address because it would require a complete restructualisation of how medicine operates including how medics are educated and trained. It will happen, one day. Perhaps in 100 years medics and naturopaths will be educated under the same institutions and people won't be treated with drugs but through complex lifestyle intervention protocols. 

Don't get me wrong, sometimes drugs are necessary. They save lives, treat infections and prevent people from killing themselves but outside of emergency cases, they are not as effective as if they were combined with a more holistic therapy

Also, for a large portion of the population, this is the only way because, on their level of holistic thinking, they cannot accept any other remedy. Their line of thinking is: PROBLEM -> PILL -> PROBLEM SOLVED -> MORE PROBLEMS -> MORE PILLS -> PROBLEM SOLVED. Once you are indoctrinated into that dogma, everything else seems coo coo. 

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I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Maybe. But strictly not taking any at all drugs out of principle to me sounds like a bit of a hang up.

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Short answer: Ye

Long answer: Yes

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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