
Dream of a Mystical Experience

1 post in this topic

I had an interesting dream last night and I don’t really know what to make out of it. Maybe you have some thought on it.
I dreamed that I am at my parents home in my old room in my bed. I can hear my parents loudly arguing over something and I get the notion that they don’t really want to be together but that’s all when it comes to my surroundings. I notice that without really trying  I can very easily separate myself from my thoughts. So I do that and let my thought chatter in the background continue. Now I also start with the question „who am I?“ because I figure its a good opportunity to start a self inquiry. I also want to become conscious of the fact that I am not my body. It’s a bit more difficult and I loose my focus more easily. I improve my focus and while I become better at that I forget my thoughts in the background. Then I have some kind of mystical experience. I needed a few attempts for it where I could really hold my focus at being conscious that I am aware of my body and the question „who am I“ which was penetrating simutaniously (while my thoughts are easily ignored as sth outside of me.) On second or third try I had some kind of experience and it went like this. I am completely focused. I hear some kind of strong cave wind with a powerful feel to it. Then I can of get an “infinity feeling“ mixed with fast changing images (picture below) or sth like that (I can’t describe it in more detail. This dream is fresh and I remember all the details but I lost this as soon as I woke up). I also get a feeling of “this is going to be intense and I won’t be able to stop it“ and I said to myself f*ck it and surrendered to it. After that infinity feeling I immediately changed my point of view to my parents garden. I didn’t have any kind of form and I slowly moved in the air through through a tree and everything was just so beautiful. I just went through the leaves of the tree without interacting with them as if I was an physical object going through light or vice versa. Then I slowly moved down (you could describe the movement with a drone in slow video mode) and went through the grass and the grass also was extremely beautiful. It didn’t change but it just was so different. (I took a low dose of m.mushrooms a few days before in nature and I have to say in my dream it even looked a lot more beautiful even though I really enjoyed the mushroom trip) I could still think in this experience and I thought. „I do enjoy this experience but I am here to have some spiritual insight and to become enlightened and so I asked myself again who am I and my experience faded away pretty quick and I woke up first out of my experience in my dream but then I also woke up pretty fast out of my dream. I didn’t had any strong emotions when I woke up nor in my dream which I find interesting because you would guess you have strong emotions in an experience like this.


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