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Attaching meaning to objects

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I find myself at times attaching superstitious meanings to events, objects, etc and I would like to stop doing this. I think I have a tendency to attribute special meaning to things like guitars, yoga mats, tools, books etc when the meaning only exists in my mind.

I know from reading David Hawkins books Truth Vs Falsehood he speaks about how objects actually have meaning in and of themselves which I resonate with, and would like to continue being more unattached from objects.

Like my books smooshed a bug in the front two pages today, and there is blood and my mind keeps attaching it to future events, making up stories and meanings none of which I really think are true.

This way of making up meaning in my life I would like to end as I feel it takes from me my soverignty and power. Also, I read a book called Blue Fishing in which the other mentioned he never understood why people attach meaning to objects and events etc.

What are your thoughts on this? 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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