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Difference between Vedanta and Neo Advaita

8 posts in this topic

Could anyone shed light on this for me please? I've tried doing some research and am no clearer really.

Thanks in advance. ?

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Dunno, but go for Advaita Vedanta. Advaita means nondual, or not two.

Or not, I don't know which school of Vedanta is the correct one, if any.

Edited by Blackhawk

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Thanks. Yeah I follow a wide range of teachers, but some I've seen described as both. Rupert Spira for example I find very clear and concise, but have seen him described as a teacher of both depending on where you look.

I was just curious. I see neo advaita talked about on this forum, sometimes in an unflattering way, but have never understood the difference.

Edited by Jonty

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Maybe Advaita Vedanta could be viewed as a more mythical expression of it.

Whereas neo advaita is a "purer" more straightforward approach, so straight forward it wouldn't even call itself that, it would just be called life, the world, you, and me.

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16 minutes ago, TripleFly said:

Maybe Advaita Vedanta could be viewed as a more mythical expression of it.

Whereas neo advaita is a "purer" more straightforward approach, so straight forward it wouldn't even call itself that, it would just be called life, the world, you, and me.

Advaita is the oldest, the original.

Neo is some new westernized crap which isn't authorized by the original.

So you can count on that Neo is corrupted.

Neo is more pure? Umm... no.

Edited by Blackhawk

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Neo Advaita -- enlightenment teaching -- Mooji, Akilesh (Sifting to the Truth) and also anyone else who teaches self inquiry.

Nonduality -- there is no such thing as nonduality, but the term refers to what is pointed to (the unknowable), via exposing the dilemma of seeking, by the boundless non-communication which speaks to no one and comes directly from unknowing, and it's recognized there is no one separate from wholeness, and there's no intention in the communication -- Tony Parsons, Jim Newman, Kenneth Madden, Andreas Muller, Anna Brown, Mei Long, Ariana Reflects, Lisa Cairns, Tim Cliss, Richard Sylvester.

Totally and utterly different.

Edited by The0Self

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I spoke with a classical Advaita Vedanta teacher. She explained that the difference is that Advaita Vedanta refers directly and is grounded upon Adi Shankaracharya as the source. Neo-Advaita isn't.

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