
Just sitting here enjoying the evolution post-Covid

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I feel like our society is blooming af right now. 

the explosion of spiritual ideas, questioning stage orange, people not working and putting up with bullshit exploitation, healthy eating, creativity, gratitude, etc. 


I swear to god everything is just so much more lively. I went to a MGK concert last week, and damn. People be so happy, it’s honestly so refreshing. Aside from those who refuse to look at their shadows and end up on wrong side of history. 

Peace and love! Hope for the new generations is all around. This appreciation literally just came from watching TikToks. I swear that app brings people together like no other app, at least for the mainstream collective ego. 

What’s the biggest change y’all have appreciated/noticed?

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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7 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

What’s the biggest change y’all have noticed?

Less people wearing masks -_-

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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What are you talking about?

We are in the middle WW3

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It feels like a beginning. But one that we must create, the Zeitgeist is in our favor. We all need solution for the whole spiral. People begin to understand..

I really like the Whistle Blowing lately... corruption exposed everywhere. It takes time, but it will have an impact.

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I don't see that happening...

There is no post-Covid era here in Slovenia!

Only half of population has been vaccinated and virus is spreading. Anti-vaxxers and the government are in war. In our case it is the right-wing government and anti-vaxxers. I just hope i won't have covid a second time, even do i am vaccinated.

People just don't want to see their shadows.

I think we will have to wait until next year...

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An inadvertent side effect here in the 'States has been to put workers in a much stronger position to bargain for better wages and working conditions.

Not at all uncommon to see companies advertise $15 an hour starting pay in a desperate attempt to lure people back to shitty retail and food service jobs, when starting pay for those same companies would have been $10 or $12 an hour just two years ago.

I'm writing a philosophy book! Check it out at : https://7provtruths.org/

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I agree. The expectations of polite society have shifted from personal achievement to empathy for others, even if we still aren't clear on how best to embody these "new" values.

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