
Awakening is fucking terrifying.

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52 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

in a state of God Consciousness you will drown in Love, Bliss and Divinity.  Yet also the realization of total Oneness can be jarring and shocking as well.  It is extremely radical because  your entire reality will be recontexualized before your eyes.   To know existentially (at the level of Being) that you are all beings, all creatures, all objects, everything.  That you are alone as God....this..this can be one of the hardest realizations to swallow.  But also it is wonderful at the same time.  Cannot be explained really - only directly experienced..and once the realization is fully integrated the terror does pass.  

This. Been having some of these realizations lately where I see reality as pure imagination and where reality is recontextualized instantly after my awareness has shifted into this state. In this state it seems to me that all beings, yourself included - is me.

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20 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

It is not preferable, at all.

God loves nothing more than to dream. God is the biggest dreamer ever. An infinite dreamer. 

The 'goal' is, again, from a limited point of view, and whilst on the path: to remember you're God, dreaming this whole thing up.

Then; you can dream on forever, create and live out any dream, consciously or semi-consciously. However you want, really. You can also decide and choose to forget about being God, again. Apparently, it's the game God enjoys playing the most.

The work all of us are doing, and have no clue about it, is actually occurring backwards.

Quite literally.

Is there another way? How can we go back to ignorance?

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7 minutes ago, smk said:

Is there another way? How can we go back to ignorance?

I asked it recently:


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9 minutes ago, smk said:

Is there another way? How can we go back to ignorance?

Ime; you can dumb yourself down, like, a lot. It's fun. And it can be very liberating.

Can you 'undo awakening' ? Well, in a sense, that's precisely what happens once you merge with God. There is no awakening in The Absolute sense.

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This is already what is and isn't looked for. The not looking for it is the looking for it, and vice versa.

What appears to be happening is everything. There's nothing outside of it, and therefore nothing inside of it either. Absolute emptiness at equilibrium, apparently being everything -- utterly without any limit of any kind, including logic, and with absolutely no meaning, purpose, or value, or direction, or goal.

When it turns out that this, contrary to how it may seem, is literally unknowable? Oh yeah, that is terrifying.

Edited by The0Self

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On 10/4/2021 at 11:58 PM, ivankiss said:

Coming back to being tho, I like to say:

'If you see it, you ain't it.'

totally, the seeing is merely a gateway in

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@ivankiss Yes, utterly terrifying. And utterly humbling. 

People talk about the terror somehow being avoidable. I don't think it is. I mean, nothing can really prepare you for the scale of the thing. You can climb so far up the branches of the tree until God notices you, but when God does finally notice you (God noticing itself) ... then... God help you :) No matter how far you think you've climbed, being catapulted into infinity WILL humble you.

I always feel like this notion of "taking it slow" is illusory. You can rub sticks together for 5 minutes or 5 years - the flames can only ignite in a single moment.


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Oh, dear @Nahm

The love and respect I've got for you. Yet I still could not disagree more with you on some things. I'm sure it's a phase, but still, I must stay true to where I'm at, right this moment. I have no other choice.

I know you know very damn well just how terrifying things can get. Remember jumping into that ice cold water and your heart stopping to beat? Remember your breath being taken away from you? Remember waking up in white noise? Remember your taste, touch, smell... turning into white? Remember being torn apart by the infinite swirling Light? Being burned alive?

I did not seek any of that. It came for me. It sucked me in. It was beyond any terror and pain imaginable. It was worse than any image of hell I had in my mind.

And it was not a choice. There was no way out, either. So let's not pretend like we have a say.

I know there are more pleasant melodies that the Universe plays. But some are violent, chaotic and deadly, too. God is not only lovey-dovey, hippy-dippy songs. God is also death and black metal. 

Some say, a truly awakened consciousness finds even more interest in 'the darkness'. There is nothing to be resolved in Light. - It's already perfect and whole.

Just a thought.

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9 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I must stay true to where I'm at, right this moment. I have no other choice.

Always, my man, always :) 

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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@RickyFitts The Truth on the mountaintop, and The Truth on the ground, in the village, is the same Truth. Just looks, moves and speaks different :)

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@ivankiss Exactly, it's a beautiful shapeshifter :) 

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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On 10/4/2021 at 4:08 PM, Diogenes said:

@ivankiss It is terrifying. This is why nobody gets anywhere. 

People keep talking psychedelics, meditation, debate intellectually endlessly, but they haven’t awakened just because they’re too scared.

If teachers really wanted results, they would focus exclusively on courage. But if they did that, everyone would just run to a soothing comforting guy. Most are only seeking comfort and to feel less terrified.

That’s why Leo is better because he doesn’t shy away from how terrifying it is. Although even Leo babies people. 

It’s the same with the whole “pick up” scene where everyone talks endlessly and the only thing is do to stop being a coward. 

But being a coward is the only problem anyone has. If people could overcome that, then they would have no more problems in life. 

Some good points here. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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