
what is the secret to your success?

16 posts in this topic

if any of you has succeeded in anything I love to know what that is 
especially Leo cuz he made god-level successes 

im a newb btw 

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2 hours ago, Max8 said:

im a newb btw 

No you're not..hehe

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Max8 Many things Max. But a big one was deeply examining all the false beliefs I accepted as truth about myself and the world. This ties in with epistemology. We are constantly conditioned with belief systems from the day we are born. At first from our family and television, then later we enroll in school and another whole layer of programming begins. When I started to deeply question many of my beliefs and change them, it had profound affects in my life. Start to examine the beliefs you hold. You will soon realize almost everything you believe came from someone else. Some of them serve you, but many of them don't. By the time you reach young adulthood around 95% of your decisions and behavior are controlled by your subconscious beliefs. If you want success, it is vital that the beliefs you hold support and are in alignment with the vision you have for your life. 

Edited by Matthew85

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:



This is not a Signature    [TBA]

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If I told you it wouldn't be a secret. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Mainly work.

Also observing/analyzing:  really seeing , what others can do and learning their skills.

Languages: Useful, when doing business with other countries or communicating with workers/colleagues. Or when moving to another country.

Patience: things take time.

Kindness: It pays off.



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It's pretty hard to gauge success. In absolute terms, true success is complete acceptance of God (or of oneself as God), complete embodiment of love.

In relative terms, everything falls short of this, naturally. So we search endlessly for the closest approximations of pure love that we can find. Of course, our materialistic efforts can't ever give us absolute fulfilment in this respect. so we keep on searching, searching, searching. 

I would be considered very wealthy even by western standards. But a lot of what got me to that point has also been the cause of much suffering in my life; namely developing an extremely analytical mind (i.e. a mind focused on finding errors and problems), along with an attitude that I need to somehow prove myself to be worthy of admiration... or love, ultimately.

A total awakening experience on 6g psilocybin showed me that all the seeking, yearning and craving was entirely due to this lack of feeling loved in my life - in my childhood in particular. For most of my life, I sought to fill this emptiness by trying to become wealthy, or trying to get respect from peers, or going through an endless number of meaningless relationships.

The 20-year-old me would have looked at the 35-year-old me and thought "wow, he's a success!". The 35-year-old me didn't feel like that at all. 

Meeting God and directly experiencing the agony / ecstasy of infinite love has changed all that. It has actually burned away a lot of ephemeral, unfulfilling desires.

The moral of the story is... be careful how you gauge success. In some cases that means don't underestimate yourself. In others - and I'm thinking mostly of those people who are ignorant of God here - it means don't count your chickens. Ask yourself how much love you embody in your life, and that right there is your starting point.

Edited by axiom


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