
I don't have a dream

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Recently while I was cooking a thought just popped in to my head saying "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE"

I am currently practicing my master's in Sustainability management and every day I feel that it doesn't make me happy because I don't have a long-term goal. But I love caring for the environment...

My mentality is if you wanna do something in life do something that will help the world. But the thing is that even while I'm "on the right track" I feel lost. 

I love meditating and trying out new Sādhanās that is why I started a Meditation group on campus. But is STILL do not fill fulfilled.


I really do not know what to do. Where to look for. Why can't I find my life purpose since I do everything I love??


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You feel like crap cuz you are fragmenting yourself and setting up requirements for you to feel whole. You don't need to fragment yourself and dangle peices of yourself infront of you to get yourself into action, you can just be whole and do what you want to do for the sake of the experience.

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@funcool I don't know what you mean by me fragmenting my life. What kind of requirements I set for me to be happy? Could you please elaborate?

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14 hours ago, Stratos said:

I am currently practicing my master's in Sustainability management and every day I feel that it doesn't make me happy because I don't have a long-term goal. But I love caring for the environment...

My girlfriend is currently doing something similar. Studying for MsA in ecology & sustainability but she is still not sure which way to take it. If you care for environment and want to do something about it, having a degree helps but does not define what you'll do. There are many ways you could take this. We definitely need more conscious people who are concerned and are taking action to help this diseased planet. 

What does "caring for environment" mean to you? 

What gives you drive? 

What makes you passionate? 

When was the last time you felt truly empowered and on fire? 

I like the way Cal Newport puts in in "so good they can't ignore you". He says that the passion hypothesis is wrong. That you are not born with A passion. You need to go out there and make something your passion. The popular "fake it till you become it" actually does have a dash of truth. 

Maybe you just haven't explored this deep enough or haven't had enough practical experience to know what you really like or don't like. Keep exploring. This world needs you so don't you go and withhold your passion and drive from us. 

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@Michael569 You just put on the table really deep questions and I thank you for that. I'll start by answering those and see how it goes. 

Bless you..

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19 hours ago, Stratos said:

I really do not know what to do. Where to look for. Why can't I find my life purpose since I do everything I love??

If you have some spare cash, the Life Purpose course is well worth purchasing.

It helped me out a lot when I had similar questions. Now I am very clear on what my purpose is after taking the course.

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Hm, it sounds like you are really focused on doing. Maybe switch your orientation towards being and then discover what you love about that. So instead of focusing on what you love to do, focus on what you love to be. Do you love being funny, supportive, encouraging, loving, compassionate? Figure out what it is and then find a direction that's centered around that– be with it everyday! You'll start to love yourself incredibly. And it's impossible to not find fulfillment in self-love. 

Edited by Gianna

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I can understand how something like sustainability management would seem quite big-picture and abstract, hard to make practical.

Can you think of any ways that you could encourage sustainability or care for the environment at a local level? Maybe you could organize a group of local people who care about the environment to go out and pick up trash in various places around your city every weekend. Write to your city counsellors about the importance of green space and try to get more added to the city. Host a presentation at your local library about how people can save money and help the environment by installing more water efficient fixtures. Maybe a not-for-profit related to sustainability already exists in your city, or maybe you can be the one to set one up.

If you try to do something big, it can take years to see any difference and it can quickly become discouraging. But if you start with something small like picking up garbage, it's easy to immediately see the benefits of what you're doing.

Edited by Yarco

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On 10/1/2021 at 0:56 PM, Stratos said:

But is STILL do not fill fulfilled.

I really do not know what to do. Where to look for. Why can't I find my life purpose since I do everything I love??

Is it true that you love these things that you're doing?  It seems you would feel fulfilled if you deeply did.  Though, also, it could be that these things are meaningful to you but you haven't yet found the more specific expressions of these things that are meaningful to you.  

For example, Spirituality might be deeply important to you, yet doing meditation could be an absolute bore to you.  But when you do yoga it feels effortless because yoga is the more specific thing that is meaningful to you within the domain of spirituality.

Keep exploring these fields which are important to you.  It's a great start to know what domain to look in.  Now you just gotta experiment and explore within that domain to find your niche and the specific activities and things that really supercharge and motivate you and which you find meaningful. 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Why can't I find my life purpose since I do everything I love??

Actuality vs an idea. Can’t find an idea. Can’t escape actuality. Purpose is Being framed as a thing somewhere another thing (you) could or might find. Doesn’t work that way. (Not two). Comes out of you, like every ‘thing’ else. Been comin outta you for a while now. But you lookin for that idea. Jack & the beanstalk situation. Things have purpose. Things are no thing… happiness. Doin everything you love, lookin for life’s purpose, can’t find that dream. Real head scratcher. 



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Deep growth can also happen during these periods of feeling purposeless. Lean into it and surrender.

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