Intense pressure in body and head during dream with an "insight"

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I was doing a quick nap in the middle of the day.

At some point in my sleep I was witnessing someone play some video game. They were doing something stupid and I was making fun of them. (Haha what a dumby don't do this). Then I started stopping to make fun of them and feel empathy for their mistake and actually "guide them" or at least look at them do the right things.

The video game itself or the actions are irrelevant but it felt amazing to just watch someone "get it right" and it retrospects it felt quite bad to make fun of them uselessly. This felt good enough I would say I haven't felt like this in a good while.

During this moment of feeling good, I noticed I was sleeping but the dream didn't really start to become lucid. Instead I had some sort of very very sudden intense pressure. It's quite hard to describe but my best analogy would be how you feel in your ears when you blow air into your nose. Excepts multiply that by a thousand and the sound becomes very acute. I had no idea what this was and I was a bit scared of it, but I didn't want to "fall into it". It sort of tried to make me "lose consciousness" or "think about something else", at least it really seemed like it didn't want me to realize how the dream I just had felt.

But as I felt this really strange pressure which was in both sides of my body (left and right, from my head to my lower back), it started to feel really good again to not "fall into it". But then I started wondering what that was and where this was coming from. As I focused on the dream again, the pressure started again, but much harder.

Finally when I focused on the dream again and I thought "oh wait it's because it felt good to not shit on the guy" then the pressure started becoming EVEN more intense. Now it was deafening and I was scared of waking up, I didn't know if it was OK to wake up while that was going on. I just decided to wait for it to finish and when it finished I just got up.

The idea that I held through the experience was that this "pressure" was there to prevent me to figure out how good it feels to not beat down someone who's struggling rather than helping them. And I can highly relate this to my daily life, I often find myself beating myself up when I don't do according to my expectations. But then what the heck is this big pressure? I felt it so clearly and so intensely. The thought story about it would identify that pressure as "homeostasis", somehow the resistance to positive change. But in actuality all of this is an interpretation of my experience, an idea.

In actuality all I felt was the big pressure and I believed the idea about it. Perhaps the pressure is a "feeling" but I never had such feelings and why could I hear it too? Perhaps its purely an hallucination, an interpretation of nothingness. I have no clue, feel free to let me know if you ever had similar experiences.

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Sounds like initial signs of top-down Kundalini awakening. It's usually explained in terms of Cosmic Maha Kundalini descending into the human body and going down from the crown chakra to the Muladhara and below. Shri Aurobindo described his awakening experience as an extreme pressure that started at the top of his head and slowly went all they way down to his soles.

“When the Peace is established, this higher or Divine Force from above can descend and work in us. It descends usually first into the head and liberates inner mind centres, then into the heart centre, then into the navel and other vital centres, them into the sacral region and below. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation. It takes up the whole nature part by part and deals with it, rejecting what has to be rejected, sublimating what has to be sublimated, creating what has to be created. It integrates, harmonizes, establishes a new rhythm in the nature.”

I had similar experiences my lucid dreams, but it didn't go further than that for some reason.

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