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Highest Dynamic Sentient Intelligence And Its Implications On Your Path

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I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject I'm choosing to call Highest Dynamic Sentient Intelligence. The idea is that there is an intelligence permeating all reality. I'm talking about a kind of highest supreme intelligence that has its own volition, creative ability and responsiveness. This is how I choose to interpret this intelligence, your view may differ: The intelligence would be the summation of at least all the information available aka all creation, and possibly even the summation of all infinite potential. It is the natural spontaneous collective creativity that is the result of its own propensity or whim to exist at all. 

I am not talking about intelligence in an abstract sense, like we might sometimes vaguely refer to as the wisdom of stillness. I'm talking about real, impacting, dynamic intelligence. 

If we could use the metaphor of a garden, then we can see that plants have their own sentience and their own kind of intelligence. We could also argue that their intelligence is dynamic as they have their own form of decision space, albeit limited (how to respond to certain stimuli). This intelligence and volition has its effect on how the garden looks.

One step higher is the gardener. He is a higher level of dynamic sentient intelligence and really designs the garden. The higher the level of dynamic sentient intelligence, the more creativity and wider decision space, and therefore greatest ability for further creation. So take your mind up many, many levels, to the highest level of intelligence available given your understanding of reality. 

Those who follow a more empirical mindset may say they have no reason to believe that they have experienced any level of dynamic sentient intelligence higher than that of their own, and that beyond personalized consciousness, the world seems to be a mechanistic runoff biding its time.

Others believe that the Highest Dynamic Sentient Intelligence is governing all aspects of creation in a very calculated, precise and effective way, and that this intelligence is accessible, either as a source of power to be petitioned, or as an extension of oneself: ones birthright.

So I'd like to hear what perspectives you subscribe to:

Do you believe there to be a dynamic intelligence beyond yourself, permeating all of reality, or perhaps at least your physical reality? 

Why/Why not?

Do you believe this dynamic intelligence has an aim, a goal, a volition?

Why/Why not?

Can this dynamic intelligence be accessed? If so, how can one leverage this dynamic force for their own journey?

Thanks for reading. 

EDIT: In timely fashion, from the thread Hypnotized by Infinity, Leo offers an interesting alternative perspective that I think should be perfectly stimulating for this thread. 

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Arman The craziest part is that space and time are just two of infinitely many aspects of infinity. Infinity is not subject to space or time. Those are finities.

There is no waste in energy because the energy is infinite! You can't waste it because it has nothing to waste into.

God is not powerful in the sense of "he intelligently arranges the right stuff". God is an infinite EXPLOSION in infinite directions. "He" can't help himself but to create everything. It's really not that intelligent. It's indiscriminate. Like splashing every color on the canvas without limit. Sort of a brute-force-of-love strategy.

Imagine if you had infinite energy and infinite computing power. You'd just let the computer run without care. To the max. Nothing would need to be conserved.

Or imagine if you had infinite money. You'd just make it rain 24/7! :D

Leo's proposal here initially creates resistance inside myself, which indicates it's probably a direction I should start to face. Honestly, intuitively it seems to make more sense that this kind of 'indiscriminate - brute-force-of-love' would be its nature, and looking at Highest Dynamic Sentient Intelligence as the 'commander in chief' perspective feels naive. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between.

I just don't know. 
Here's some music to play while you think.

Edited by Arman

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